Chapter 4

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~~~Yes I am making Dylan O'Brien Devon!! I know the eyes aren't hazel but whatever!!~~~

Lyra's POV

It has been a month since I became Jeff's proxy and since the incident with Devon. I'm so glad Jeff didn't say anything to my dad about it, but he just worked me like a mule as punishment.

But Jeff gave me the day off so I'm going to go 'killing.' After I said goodbye to everyone I ran off in the direction of the park again. I arrive and notice that it was vacant again. "Hey." I quickly turn and see Devon behind me... How did he..??

"Hi I have something to ask you." I started and he gave me a confused expression. "Yeah I have a question for you as well." he said giving me a soft smile. I take in his appearance better now that there was some light. He was actually a pretty attractive guy if you ask me.

"Okay tell me. Why weren't you afraid of the man that showed up that night we met?" Devon gave me a surprised look. Then his cool expression settled back in soon after. "I was scared, but I just disguised it by laughing it off. No one would risk killing a person out in the open, right?" I narrowed my eyes at him. Something is off with this kid.. He is acting to cool about this whole thing.

"Now my question is... Would you like to go to a club with me tonight?" This catches me waaaay off guard. "What? Is that guy gonna get on your case again? Who is he your boyfriend? Your dad?" I glare at him as I thought of my answer. What would happen if Jeff needed me suddenly and when he followed my trail it led to a club? I knew for sure he would punish me for my disobedience and then I'd surely get it from my parents... then Slendy... He was the worst! "What will it be Lyra?" Devon asked again giving me that sly grin. I gave him a slight smile as I nodded.

An hour or two wouldn't hurt.... Would it?


Wow this was the coolest thing ever!! Devon showed me to this 21 and under club where it was all teenagers!! I danced happily in the middle of the crowd with Devon while some... K-Pop, as Devon called it, played. All the lights were awesome! These songs were so cool, Id never heard of these bands before! As I was dancing I sensed the feeling of being watched. I spun around in a circle a few times trying to pin point who would be looking when I saw them....


He stormed over angrily in his human form. His darker blue eyes burned with rage, he grit his teeth so tightly I saw his jaw move from here. There was no cut in smile to hide the anger now... Devon looked at Jeff questioningly because he did not recognize him. "You are in deep shit Lyra!" Jeff growled. I cringed at Jeff grabbing my upper arm in a death grip once again.

"Hey buddy! You can't just grab her like that." Devon shot at Jeff. Please don't make this any worse!!

"Get awa-" Jeff started, but suddenly stopped and stared at Devon with his eyes wide and his mouth slightly hanging open. I looked at Jeff confused. My eyes flickering between the two a few times. Devon stared at Jeff weirdly, cocking his head to the side a little. Jeff stared a little longer before suddenly shaking his head furiously. "Uh... come.... come on Lyra! We're going... home?" Jeff said in a daze. He led me from the club shakily even stumbling a few times like he was drunk and off balance. I turn to look at Devon one last time, but he was gone.

Jeff's POV

I drug Lyra back to the woods. But once there I couldn't seem to remember which way to go? What had happened back there? When I looked at Devon it felt like I had lost myself! I couldn't hear anything except these strange whispering sounds. Devon's eyes had me locked in place! Ugh... my Im just going into another insanity spell.... Yeah that's it!

"Jeff? Are you okay?" I hear Lyra suddenly say. I look at her and see that she was suddenly far away. Like ten feet from me. "Yeah, why do you ask?" I say trying to play things off. "Because you let go of me and wondered like you were lost. You were also mumbling gibberish to yourself.." Lyra said looking very concerned. Had I really been talking to myself? That wasn't my style... That was more like Toby!

"It's nothing don't worry..." I said and suddenly felt very sick. I leaned against a tree and threw up the contents of my stomach. Lyra quickly jogged over and held my hair back from my face. "Jeff what's going on?!" Lyra asked worriedly. I waited a few moments until I was sure everything was over. After that I let Lyra lead me back home.

Once back I felt well enough to walk on my own again, but that spot where I got stung on the back of the neck started itching like crazy! "Ah shit man!" I mumbled scratching at it.

"LYRA ROGERS WHERE WERE YOU!!!" Oh here we go... Man I hated that Lyra was getting in trouble, but she needed to understand the danger of being around humans. "DO YOU KNOW WHAT COULD HAVE HAPPENED?" Toby screamed at Lyra where she sat with her head down at the dinning room table. EJ was leaning against the wall beside Slendy looking equally angry like the rest of us. My heart clenched when I saw Lyra crying at Toby's yells. He hates this I know, but this was not approved behavior in this house.

"I can't even express how stupid this stunt was you pulled! What if someone recognized you from when you and Jeff went hunting and yall just didn't know?! Huh?! They could have gotten you arrested! You aren't a normal teen Lyra! They would have no records of you and there would have been questions!" Alaine growled her eyes flashing red momentarily. Lyra looked up at me sadly and I gave her a stern look.

"Lyra. Child. Do you know what would happen if Zalgo found out about you interacting freely in the human world like that? He could banish you from here and erase your memory of everything. Ronnie. Kairi. Your parents. This is very serious child." Slender said softly which is what hurt the kids most. He was always calm with them when it came to stuff like this. "I'm sorry..." Lyra whispered softly looking back down again.

The itching started back up suddenly as we were talking and I scratched idly at it. "Now Lyyyy...... Yoooouuuuulllllaaaaaa......" What? What's going on? I feel light headed suddenly. I feel wobbly on my feet as my hearing and sight waver in and out. I move to take a step to a chair, but suddenly I'm falling to the floor.

"JEFF!" I hear Alaine yell seeming very far away. I saw them crowd around me and roll me to my back. I stare at them as their bodies clump together and turn black... I was blacking out! I felt really hot and it was hard to breathe now. Before I knew what was happening I was out....

~~~As for now GasMask out!!!~~~

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