Chapter 11

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Lyra's POV

Two weeks had passed and no one had heard from the parents that went off on the mission for Zalgo. Lyra still worried for Jeff because of this thing following him around and being stuck to him.

"Ronnie? Do you think our parents are okay?" She whispered to the young cannibal. "Yeah I'm pretty sure they are okay." He said softly. Lyra sighed and shook her head since she wasn't too sure about it. "I'm going killing." She said as she started leaving the room. "Lyra! Wait Lyra you can't just go off alone!" Ronnie called but she had already put ear buds in and turned on music loud as she started getting dressed in her killing outfit and got her knives. Lyra smiled as GDFR by Flo Rida started playing. Not always her music taste but it was still a good song.

Lyra ran off before Slender noticed and heads for a town. Lyra hides in an alley waiting for a victim and grabbed a younger man and throws him on the ground before slitting his throat. The man gurgled as he tried to breathe around the blood but Lyra bobbed her head to her music as she started stabbing the guy's chest before running off down the alleyway to find another person. Lyra racks up on about ten victims before going home covered in blood and sweat.

"You seem to have had fun Lyra." Slenderman hissed as he opens the door as she walked up and crosses his arms. "I had to let out stress please... I was going crazy!" She said trying to make her seem like a young Jeff knowing he was pretty crazy. Slender sighed as he let her inside and off the hook. "Go take a shower and clean those weapons. Dinner is in ten." Slenderman said firmly as he slinked off to the kitchen.

Lyra sighed as she stood under the water as it cleaned off the blood, but jumped when suddenly there was loud talking and stomping around downstairs. Lyra turned the water off and put her robe on before going to see what happened.

"This fucker went ballistic on me! He tried to kill us all!" Her dad yelled shoving Jeff into a wall roughly as they started fighting aggressively. "Toby stop it!" Her mom yells trying to pull Toby off Jeff as Masky tried to pull Jeff away also. The kids stood around shocked at the sudden fight. "I'll ducking murder you dude!" Toby yelled. "Try it! I don't even know what you are talking about!" Jeff yelled back as he tried to pull a knife. "STOP IT!" Slenderman yelled standing in the middle of the two men. "Everyone that was on the mission go to the library now! I wanna know what the hell happened!" Slenderman yelled as they all walked off ignoring the kids. Lyra looked at Ronnie as he nodded.

"What do you two know?" Jack (Eyeless Jack for those that might have forgotten how Laughing Jack and Eyeless Jack were specified) said staring at the two. Lyra sighed as her and Ronnie went to the game room to tell him their information and the other kids following along. "So you are saying the 'human' boy Devon you met is actually some kind of possessing ghost and has taken over Jeff?" Jack asked trying to get things straight. "Yes!" Ronnie and Lyra say together. Jack rubbed his forehead since he didn't have his mask on and sighed.

"How long do you think this has been going on?" Jack asked looking at them again after he stopped thinking to himself. "Since the first night I went killing with Jeff..." Lyra whispered. Jack looked at her like she was crazy and made a hand motion saying 'why didn't you say anything?!.' "Lyra! This needed to be known a long time before now!" Jack said upset. "I'm sorry! I didn't know for sure!" Lyra said in a slightly higher voice. Jack sighed as he covered his mouth with one hand as he started thinking again. "Okay I'm going to observe him for a few days so stay quiet about this until then." Jack said before walking out of the room and the other kids stared at them.

"Lyra? I thought you said my dad was okay.." Kairi said having tears in her eyes. Lyra bit her lip as she looked away. "I thought he was..." She said softly. "Liar! You knew something was wrong from day one!" Kairi said as the tears fell now and Alex tried to keep her calm. "We will help out now that we know. No fighting when Jeff needs our help." Martzi said and they all nodded as they started making a plan after Lyra told them her dream from the other day.

~~~I'm baaaacckkk! Sorry for the long wait! Don't hate me Dx I'm hoping to get back on good since school is over so get ready for some updates!! As for now GasMask out!~~~

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