The Port

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Reinlas stands in Reinholm castle looking out at the city and ocean beyond, he sees the ships holding soldiers gathering together as they all get ready for the attack of the port. Reinlas walks to the war room where Laraka and Linra are and he goes in.

"King Reinlas good to see you" Laraka says

"Likewise Laraka" Reinlas says

"Seems like a risky strategy today, three targets, three sieges" Linra says

"It is risky but Keireen is running low on soldiers, we are ever so close to his capital city, he'd have to recruit everyone he possibly could get which would just mean untrained soldiers without Ratankira to control them they'll be completely new to fighting" Laraka says

"Indeed, he obviously has the remaining war beasts which will be a problem in their own right but currently we do have the advantage" Reinlas says

"Plus splitting his forces down into three small armies to stop our attacks will make it ever harder to fight" Laraka says

"Fair enough then" Linra says

"Lets get moving then" Reinlas says as he teleports to the border forces with Laraka and Linra

The border forces see the three and charge forward charging through Keireens lines as more of the Geirlanthian army shows up. Linra flies up and over to one section of the forces and starts to lead them to one of the cities as Laraka goes with another section to the other city. Reinlas draws Kylorn from his sheathe as he marches with his section of the army to the port. Zytaira walks up next to Reinlas with her own sword out.

"The ships began moving as you met with Linra and Laraka" Zytaira says

"Good, they'll be too distracted" Reinlas says

After a little while all three armies attack their targets but as the fighting goes on Tykema circle above the two cities as they dive down they drop bombs and use fire magic to begin setting the cities alight. Linra and Laraka order their soldiers to target the tykema and put out fires and orders others to defend the ones doing so as their roles change from attacking saving as many lives as they can while over at the port the Hykra rush in and start attacking Reinlas's army at blidning speed before the Delantramites begin to force their way through defensive lines.

"Reinlas, Tykema flew into the city and started destroying it, Keireens soldiers are retreating but the citizens are getting killed by the carnage, we will keep pressing into the city but even with the sodliers leaving we may not be able to get to the port as soon as we thought" Linra says telepathically

Laraka relays a similair message to Reinlas.

"Alright just do what needs to be done to save as many people as you can" Reinlas telepathically tells them as he starts using fire to attack the hykra while kylorn flies towards the delantramite to try and kill a few

Keireen arrives with the rest of his army from the capital alongside Onikerm as soldiers coming from the burning cities join him. Keireen speeds into the fight tearing through some soldiers as his army charges in behind him. Keireen speeds at Reinlas charging his blade with magic he stabs through the geirniam armour and into Reinals's stoamch, Reinlas attacks him back by lighting his hands on fire and grabbing keireens head before kicking him back. Reinlas pulls the blade out of his stomach and throws it into on of Keireens men as Kylorn flies to Reinlas's metal hand. Reinlas speeds towards Keireen as he lights kylorn on fire, he clashes blades with Keireen when Keireen grabs a sword fromt he ground quick enough to block. Reinlas looks at keireen.

"After all your years of waring we will put you down, for the memory of those lost along the way" Reinlas says

"You still have a lot of work to do to do that" Keireen says with a smirk as the tykema fly into the fight

"We can still even the odds" Reinlas says as arrows, fireballs and lightning bolts fall from the sky and the water around the port splashes up into the fight takign people down from the fight and drowning them

"What the hell!?" keireen shouts as he looks out to see

Keireen quickly gets punched back into his own men and into the ground as he sees ships in the water. Keireen glares at onikerm and onikerm looks at the tykema.

"Well go on" Onikerm says with a sadistic smirk

The tykema fly out to the ships to attack them but they are quickly repelled by tykema that fly out from the ships bringing their battle to the sky.

"We knew you'd bring the war beasts in full force so we made some counters" Reinlas says as he speeds towards Keireen and launchign him into the sky before firing as many fire balls at him as he can

Keireen starts blocking all the fireballs as he gets angrier, he uses magic to have the ground spike up into Reinlas's metal leg and hook to trap it, Reinlas goes to slash the spike with Kylorn but Keireen uses light magic to shoot at Reinlas. Reinlas's eye turn black and his missing eye grows back as a shadow eye when he sinks into the shadows and flies out behind Keireen tackling him to the ground as he begins to beat into him. Keireen pushes reinlas off and groans in pain as he heals.

"I will fucking win this" Keireen says to himself as he flies at Reinlas

Keireen clashes blades with Reinlas over and over but Reinlas's shadow eye allows him to react quicker though the shadows. Keireen kicks Reinlas to the ground after feigning a sword slash, Hykra screech at Reinlas causing hsi ears to bleed but Reinlas quickly grabs them with shadows and throws fire at them lightnign the fur on fire causing them to jump in the ocean as Reinlas looks back at Keireen deaf but not deterred he jumps back into the fray using the shadows to see behind him incase someone attack him from behind during his duel with Keireen. Reinlas's army with the aid of the ships begin to beat back Keireens soldiers destroying many of them after hours of fighting and with Linra and larakas armies moving closer Keireen issues a retreat.

"Go with what little time you have left keireen, soon we end your tyranny" Reinlas says

"Maybe so Reinlas but i wont give in easily at the capital, that will end with one of us dead" Keireen says as he teleports back to his castle as the ships anchor at the port

Linra flies over and looks at Reinlas.

"We are really this close" Linra says

"Indeed. tomorrow we end this war" Reinlas says

Keireen throws his helmet at his throne putting a hole through it as he sits down.

"The war beasts have returned?" Keireen asks

"All of them have returned save for those killed or captured though the latter will likely return, their childrens lives depend on it" Onikerm says

"Good, when the attack comes onikerm, any loved one of Reinlas I want you to personally target, if we are to win that fight we need him distracted worried... vurnerable" Keireen says

"I will do so with pleasure Keireen" Onikerm says smiling as he wanders down to the war beast cells to prepare them for the fight and to find where some dragons are living...

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