The Mountain Range Siege

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In the following hours after Larakas daring raid against Keireen to rescue his soldiers Reinlas teleports to Renamerima castle which is still damaged and vulnerable from the attack in the first place. Reinlas walks through the army of healers and injured elite soldiers with concern adorning his face, Reinlas looks around and sees some of the soldiers he knows and then in the distance Laraka with two conjurations of himself and two healers that are focussing their efforts on Uniera and Zytaira. Reinlas walks over.

"Laraka I want an explanation. Now" Reinlas says

Laraka an his two conjurations look at Reinlas the same eyes as during the raid burning red still.

"During the week I stayed in Reinholm castle Renamerima castle was attacked, almost everyone was taken save for a small group who needed new limbs. I... risked a raid to get them back" Laraka says with a sigh

Reinlas sighs as well.

"Laraka that was an idiotic move, good intentions yes but you could have just gotten all of you killrd or captured" Reinlas says

"I never would have been captured, im far too good at fighting" The demonic conjuration of Laraka says his red eyes burning brighter

Reinlas looks at the demonic conjuration with slight confusion on his face then at the other conjuration.

"Eh, I agree I never would have been caught sure some of the other yeah but me? Impossible" The normal conjuration says with his right eye burning bright

Laraka facepalms and sighs with annoyance.

"Alright away you two go" Laraka says as he de-conjures them but his left eye stays a burning red

"Laraka what the fuck?" Reinlas says very confused

Laraka sighs.

"I will explain just not right now, theres so much more to worry about" Laraka says

"Hey dont stop on my account" Zytaira says on the floor but groans when she moves her arm

"Zytaira please be quiet and dont move, you are still healing, so stop interfering with it and annoying the healer" Laraka says to her

"Thank you" The healer for Zytaira says with some annoyance in their voice

Reinlas looks at them then back at Laraka.

"Laraka you made one hell of a leap of faith in going after them the way you did, granted it worked surprisingly well but I can't have you doing that without informing me. Why didn't you inform me?" Reinlas asks

"It was an in the moment decision, the elites are a brotherhood, sisterhood ah fuck it whatever but we are in this together I care about them too much to have let it go on a second too long, in hindsight I could have used telepathy but my mind was not in the right place to even think of using it" Laraka says

Reinlas sighs.

"Laraka you dont usually make these kind of decisions without thinking them out first hell we took a week devising a plan and subsequent back up plans for the mountain range attack which I guess will need to change now because of this" Reinlas says

"My king I understand your frustration with this and probable concern-" Laraka gets cut off

"I am very concerned especially for you, seriously what made you go off like that?" Reinlas asks

"The two conjurations earlier and this eye of mine, have everything to do with it" Laraka says as he points at his red eye

"Please enlighten me" Reinlas says

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