The Mind

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A year passes by as the war rages on, Farenhale and Reinlas using their combined might make it ever so harder for Keireen to stave off their attacks. Laraka has been having to keep up with new plans, he does get the chance to when Farenhale is unmerged and when he plans a different mission for the elites. Laraka stands in Renamerima castles war room as Zytaira walks in.

"Whats going on Laraka?" Zytaira asks

"The king is leading an attack on the next city but there is according to some of the tykema and then further confirmed by spies that a place near this city is deathly loyal to Keireen and the people there wont stop fighting for him after the city and area are taken, during that city attack we will go deal with them" Laraka says

"Sure the king wont mind?" Zytaira asks

"I have already spoken with him about it, we both believe that He and lord Farenhale with the normal army are more than enough for this next city plus add in the prince and princess and there is a lot of higher power there" Laraka says

"Fair enough. So what are we dealing with here?" Zytaira asks

"According to what we've found out so far, they dont have the best of defences but they do have very good equipment so a small team can go in there but spies sent in have had regular trouble escaping as if a Tykema was following them and trying to kill them. I asked Syremai about it the last time Farenhale was unmerged and it seems Ratankira has an interest in that place" Laraka says

"The only question is why right?" Zytaira asks

"Indeed, we will find that out soon enough" Laraka says

"So who have you chosen to go there?" Zytaira asks

"Xankan, Scyera, Lieran and myself. The other three can handle themselves very well but Ratankira is a different bastard entirely plus Scyera had been mind controlled before by Onikerm and as we know Ratankira is much better with mind control" Laraka says

"Makes sense, happy hunting" Zytaira says and walks out

Laraka leaves the room and heads to the training area where Xankan, Lieran and Scyera are training, each of them always improving.

"You three you have a mission with me later" Laraka says

They immediately turn to him.

"Of course laraka" They say in unison

Hours pass and the army as well as elites are on the move to attack alongside Reinlas as they get within reach of the city to attack Laraka looks at Scyera, Lieran and Xankan quickly leaving with them. Heading towards the location of what are to be loyalists. The enemy soldiers see their approach and quickly begin to fire on them with bows but laraka blocks the arrows as Scyera brings the mist in covering the area, Krenatur begins to help. Scyera allows them to see through the mist.

"Xankan lay into them" Laraka orders

Xankan quickly begins to unleash as many fireballs as he can towards the enemy completely bombarding them but they dont seem afraid as they run forward some directly into the fireballs killing them to the slight shock on Laraka and the others.

"Thats definitely not normal!" Xankan shouts

Ratankira appears behind them with some of the soldiers which immediately begin to attack but Laraka cuts through them to start fighting Ratankira.

"Let me ask you Laraka do you ever think about those you kill? what life they led before they had to fight?" Ratankira asks as he blocks an attack

"Shut it, not another word" Laraka says as he attacks Ratankira more even conjuring floating weapons which begin to attack him as well

Ratankira smirks as he disappears but Laraka quickly scans aroudn trying to find him.

"You know as well as I that will not work Laraka" Ratankira says

"Damn you and the Tykema disappearing thing" Laraka says as he turns his conjured weapons on the enemy soldiers

"You know why I questioned if you ever think about an enemy soldiers life?" Ratankira asks

"No nor do I care" Laraka says

"You know of my mind control capabilities, didnt you think it odd they had no self preservation instincts? or that they'd so boldly claim to stay loyal?" Ratankira says right next to Larakas ear

Laraka realises what Ratankira did.


As Laraka is distracted Ratankira uses mind control on Laraka as the others start knocking the soldiers out. Laraka stops dead in his tracks as Ratankiras mind invades Larakas implanting a small piece of Ratankiras consciousness into Larakas mind but hes faced by unexpected opposition. Mental, spectral and other Laraka personalities all stand in his head.

"You are out numbered and outmatched" Mental Laraka says

"What the fuck is this?" The Mental Ratankira says very confused

"Your end" The battle demon says grabbing the mental Ratankira from behind and snapping its magical neck causing Ratankira to appear away from Laraka and the others

"What the fuck? What is in his damn head?" Ratankira asks himself but hes quickly tackled by Laraka and pinned to the ground with blades

"We could take you in Ratankira... but I'm not keen on making the same mistake we did with Onikerm" Laraka says as he conjures an axe

"I hope your soul rots somewhere hellish" Laraka says as he conjures an axe beheading him

Laraka picks up his head and searches the body finding a small map with some plans.

"Useful" Laraka says as he burns the body and walks to Xankan, Lieran and Scyera

"By the firsts light" Lieran says looking at him with Ratankiras Head

"Then enemy just lost one of their leaders" Laraka says holding up the head

"We should go tell the king" Xankan says

Scyera takes the head.

"Want me to send this to Keireen?" Scyera asks

"Do it after we tell the king" Laraka says

Scyera nods and they all teleport back to the now conquered city Reinlas is at. Laraka walks to Reinlas with them.

"King Reinlas, we have news" Laraka says

"What is i-" Reinlas stops as he turns seeing the head

"Ratankira is dead. Keireen will begin to crumble" Laraka says

"The end is in sight then" Reinlas says

Scyera walks backwards into some mist and makes mist appear far away in Keireens castle infront of where he sits on his throne.

"What the hell?" Keireen asks getting up drawing his blade

Scyera tosses Ratankiras head to Keireen quickly getting rid of the mist as Keireen sheathes his blade and picks up the head.

"Ratankira?! FUCK!" Keireen shouts pissed off

Onikerm runs in.

"Whats happen- Oh now thats interesting" Onikerm says

Keireen throws the head at Onikerm.

"Shut your damn mouth and get to the war room, we lost Ratankira we need to prepare for all out assaults" Keireen says as he walks over to the head and stomps on it

"Miserable failure" Keireen says as he walks to the war room and people in Reinlas's kingdom celebrate...

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