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Its the day after the coronation of Reinlas and he can still hardly believe that it happened in a castle his people built for him, he imagined it would've happened way later. Regardless of how amazed he is he goes out side and walks through the castle to the front door to the grand hall so he can go outside on his way he sees that guards have already been assigned he knows his brother had done that. When he goes outside he sees his brother.

"Farenhale, up early aren't you considering last night." Reinlas says

"Aye I am but mainly because Itanrora and Yaitera are leaving soon and I didn't want them to leave before you woke so I asked them to wait so we could give a proper goodbye." Farenhale says

"Then lets go and let them stop waiting" Reinlas says

Reinlas and Farenhale speed down the mountain and through the town to the docks that Itanrora and Yaitera along with their young child Keireen wait at on their boat. Both Itanrora and Yaitera see Farenhale and Reinlas stop speeding and walk normally across the docks to the boat.

"Finally up King Reinlas?" Itanrora says jokingly

"That will definitely take time getting used to I'll tell you that" Reinlas says

"Aye we understand that Reinlas, it took both me and Itanrora quite a while to get used to that but it was harder to get used to being a parent with little Keireen here" Yaitera says

"How has your kingdom been anyway?" Reinlas asks

"Yeah I've been curious about that myself" Farenhale says

"Its been alright so far small animal threats but overall we've been fine and expanding" Itanrora says

"I know how the place looks but have any threats to your kingdom appeared yet Reinlas?" Yaitera asks

"So far none but I have guards trained as well as mages training because I have sensed danger but the worst to come of it was a mining accident luckily no one was harmed" Reinlas says

"Well I'd say that is good as back home we've had crime and some tensions between our kingdom and the neighbouring kingdom has caused some trouble" Yaitera says

"I hadn't even thought about crime, as no crimes have been reported and guards have checked but as odd as it sounds no crimes have taken place at all" Reinlas says

"That can't be right, no crime whatsoever and no threats? Every other kingdom has had crime or some threat EXCEPT you. Why?" Itanrora asks

"I have no idea as I said before I sensed coming danger but all that cam of it so far was the mine incident and the people have got along well we even found a new metal and given it a name so all in all we've had no problems except again the mine" Reinlas says

Itanrora and Yaitera seem to be in a small bit of disbelief but think about all they have seen while they were here but then they have an inquisitive look.

"This metal you mentioned what did you name it?" Itanrora says

"Geirniam, Why?" Reinlas asks

"In case we come across the metal in our kingdom can we have a piece of it so we know if we do find it so we can keep the name?" Itanrora says

"Sure we have been exploring different things that we can do with the metal in fact the armour I wear is completely made from it as the metal is special in both its physical and magical properties" Reinlas says

Reinlas quickly goes to get a piece of Geirniam and returns to hand it to Itanrora.

"Here is a piece of the metal" Reinlas says

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