Bleeding Time

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Weeks after being given the task at the Valley City ruins she wakes in the camp set up by the soldiers there with her. As she gets up and teleports clothes and some lighter armour on she looks at the sunrise as the golden beams shine on her she turns to look at the city and walks to where a couple soldiers are.

"Morning guys" Villamire says

"Morning Villamire, the place give you the creeps too?" One soldier asks

"More than you know, its way to quiet and its ruins so it has a natural creepyness too it" Villamire says

"Yeah, the place is too grey then theres the occassional bones we find and the dead animals, sure they look like they died naturally but its just creepier that its here they die" Another soldier says

"Yeah I get what you mean" Villamire says as she walks away from them

Clocks appear in villamires eyes as she opens the timeline infront of her.

"Ok what to look at in the timeline today?" Villamire thinks to herself as she begins to look into the past with full attention

Meanwhile on the other side of the ruined city a team of Keireen soldiers walk into the city with a ballista.

"Alright we know theres a small contingent of soldiers here now and a girl whos main magic is time, take no chances use speed magic and hit them with the ballista. Dont fucking miss" The team leader says

"We wont sir" The other soldiers say as they manage to get a vantage point and take aim at the soldiers alongside villamire

Villamire and her soldiers dont notice but she looks at the timeline as one part of it moves erratically.

"The fuck? Thats not normal" Villamire says as she opens that part of the timeline and sees the ballista bolts coming there way so she quickly gets up

"ENEMIES INCOMING!" Villamire shouts

The soldiers quickly get up ready to defend as Keireens people see they've been had and quickly begin to fire bolt after bolt from the ballista. Villamire and the soldier dodge as best they can until villamire decides to freeze the bolts in time catching every bolt in the same place, Villamire then gets an idea and turns all the bolts around then unfreezes them causing the bolts to fly back to the enemy raining hell on them.

"Ok this is takign a lot of my magic, I have barely any left, better keep what I have to heal in case I get hurt" Villamire thinks to herself as she grabs a blade and runs with the guards into the city towards the enemy

Villamire suddenly goes flying back crashing into an old wall as a searing pain comes from her right leg and she quickly falls onto her side holding that leg which has been cut off by a ballista bolt. Villamire screams in pain and shock quickly trying to heal the wound. She falls unconcious for several minutes time enough for the Keireen soldiers to kill the guards with villamire and long enough for Villamires magic controlling the visions of the city to drop. When her magic drops the enemy soldiers get plagued with the events of the valley city destruction confusing the brutal ones and horrifying the softer ones and soldiers on patrol in the vision affected area dont know why the visions are happening again and run to catch their bearings. Villamire wakes up and sees the enemy soldiers looking at the vision versions of people from many years ago and looks at her bleeding leg and uses fire magic to cauterize the wound and stop the bleeding biting down on some cloth to try and prevent screaming from the pain. Villamire lays back down and pretending to be dead.

"Got to get more magic, they will be here long enough trying to find the way out through everything, whats real and what isn't. It should give me enough time to get more magic then kill those bastards" Villamire thinks to herself

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