Crowning A King

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Its been a few months since Reinlas received his armour and the city has grown bigger and the people have taken to calling it Reinholm as the man who is to be their king resides there alongside him. The day has risen a new with the sun rising into the sky Reinlas wakes to greet the new day and see if anyone needs his help but as he opens the door of his house Farenhale is there waiting for him.

"Farenhale? Have you been waiting here for me?" Reinlas asks slightly confused

"Brother, you finally wake! Yes I have been here waiting for a while now, what took you so long to wake up?" Farenhale says in a joking way

"You know how much has been happening here and how much I have been trying to help the people, whether it be building, moving stuff or even training guards and magic users. All of this has left me exhausted" Reinlas says 

"Yes I see why it would brother. I also know you've not had anyone call you king during this year or so actually getting our people to this stable life. That is a true king brother." Farenhale says proud of his brother

"Say what you wish brother but until the coronation-"

Farenhale interrupts him

"I know, I know until the coronation you will not allow anyone call you king even yourself just follow me so I can show you why I waited for you"

Reinlas does not speak and begins to follow but he notices how empty the normally bustling streets are and he does not sense the people around the city and before he searches more his brother stops him and just tells him to follow. 

Hours later...

Reinlas and his brother have climbed the mountain nearby and Reinlas has followed his brother without question but now he wants some answers.

"Brother hold a moment, tell me why you are bringing me out here and where the people have gone too?" Reinlas asks

"Just follow me brother and you will see the answer to both of your questions" Farenhale says

Reinlas does so and when he gets to the top of the mountain there is a giant castle that has been built in secret away from his eyes and hidden from his magic, Farenhale brings him inside and inside is all of the people who will be seeing him as there king. Reinlas looks forward at the throne made for him by the people and over to the right is Linra asked there by Farenhale to be the one to hold the crown. Reinlas looks to his brother.

"You did this you sneaky little-"

Farenhale interrupts him

"Just come and take the crown before I take it for myself brother" Farenhale says jokingly

Reinlas and his people share a laugh at what Farenhale said and Reinlas starts to walk through the hall towards the throne and takes off his helmet, Reinlas gets to the throne and turns to look at his people and he hands his helmet to his brother. Reinlas sits on his throne looking at his people and Linra walks over with the crown in hand and begins to say.

"I present Reinlas Harraele the one who alongside his brother found this place we call home but Reinlas has proved himself more than any of us thought he would, from refusing to be called king to saving our lives by training people to protect us and also when the mine collapsed he saved all the miners that were there that. So today we give Reinlas Harraele the crown to officially name him our king! All hail King Reinlas!"

The hall is filled with cheers and the same words being shouted 

"All hail King Reinlas"

Reinlas was proudly sitting on his new throne when the crown was placed on his head, Farenhale stepped forward and says

"Will our new king speak some words to the people?"

Reinlas stood up crown on his head and everyone kneeled before him.

"All of you stand, I may be king but I am still a man and at that a man of the people while I am king I will ensure that our people have safety and will have a kingdom you all can thrive in. I thank you all for taking the time to build this castle and so it without my knowledge and that is something I will not forget. I am honoured to be your king." Reinlas said proud

After this speech everyone began to celebrate the crowning of their new king, songs were being sung and people getting drunk while Reinlas walks around speaking to everyone taking this as a night to relax for once. Reinlas went over to his brother Farenhale.

"You knew they did this and I can take a guess as to how they hid the castles construction from me" Reinlas says laughing

"Oh I have no idea what you mean brother" Farenhale says jokingly

Reinlas sees his people all happy in the place they built for him and he cannot help but feel proud to be the leader of these people who have shown to deeply care about both each other and their new king. Reinlas looks around and sees Linra she's talking with a few people he guesses its because she was the one to give him the crown and thinks they might be wondering why she was the one to present the crown and he is rather curious himself so he goes over to see her. Some of the people talking to her start to realise he's coming over and come to congratulate their new king and thank him for all he has done but soon they leave so Reinlas speaks to Linra.

"Linra it is rather good to see you."

"It is good to see you too King Reinlas" Linra says happily

"That will take some getting used to I can tell you that much but I have a question if you'll allow me? why were you the one to present the crown to me and place it on my head?" Reinlas asks

"I truly do not know your brother was the one who asked me to but even then I don't know why I accepted." Linra says rather shyly

Reinlas places his hand on her face.

"You need not be shy around me Linra or feel you need to be a certain way because I am king. Just be there for me and the people." Reinlas says smiling

Reinlas didn't catch it but she blushed a little after saying goodbye to Linra, Reinlas went back over to his brother.

"Brother tell me why did you ask Linra to present the crown and crown me king?" Reinlas asks still a little confused

"You've impacted many since we came here and you saved her from an impact seemed almost poetic" Farenhale says while both being serious and laughing a little

Reinlas cannot say it wasn't a little funny so he laughed a little as well and soon Reinlas walked away and looked out a nearby window on the place he and his people have built together. Reinlas sees some ships sporting a flag he thinks he recognises but is unsure until the door at the front of the hall opens and in walks Itanrora and Yaitera with their small child Keireen. Reinlas and Farenhale walk over to the three of them.

"Itanrora and Yaitera! Oh and this must be little Keireen right?" Reinlas asks

"Yes this is our son but as much as I love him he isn't the reason we came here today my friend" Itanrora says

"As my husband says we didn't come only to show our friends our son but we came to congratulate you on your crowning as king as one royal family to another" Yaitera says

"I am honoured that you would both come to see me today but its been a year and a bit since we came here how did you kn-"

Reinlas cuts himself off and turns to his brother.

"You are one sneaky devil brother" Reinlas says jokingly

For the rest of the night Reinlas, Farenhale, Itanrora, Yaitera, Keireen, Linra and everyone else in the kingdom continue to celebrate although Keireen being only a baby doesn't stay for long as it is quite late but everyone continues to stay and celebrate with Keireen's parent interchanging being with their child. After this night Reinlas has taken the full responsibility of being king and is officially recognised as a king by all the other kingdoms.

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