The Siege Of Mist

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Weeks pass after the bodies of the final battlefield for Gheranto and Itimkratas kingdom were buried Scyera enters Cykarts shop. Cykart is holding the scythe previously owned by Scyeras mother now repaired and upgraded with some Geirniam and a metal handle with soft spots for her hands to hold comfortably.

"I see you did everything I wanted Cykart" Scyera says

"Yeah I did, for such an old weapon it was still in an alright condition so it took lass time to repair than expected" Cyakrt says

Scyera takes the scythe from him.

"Thanks" Sycera says as she walks out

"No problem" Cykart says back

In Reinholm castles war room Reinlas, Laraka, linra with Gheranto and itimkrata are planning the next siege. Gheranto and itimkrata look over the map of the area around the next city under Keireens control called Toranerk, they know the area and city well or at least used to and they have grim looks on their faces as they look upon the map. Reinlas looks at them.

"Bringing up old memories?" Reinlas asks

"Yes, more than we want" Gheranto and Itimkrata say

"The city and surrounding area has changed a lot but unless it was all torn down and rebuilt old parts of the city should have some of their old weak points. So do you have any idea?" Linra asks

"We had multiple underground tunnels which were to be used by those who didnt have magic so they could escape should it be needed. The tunnels lead to multiple surrounding mountains but there were also multiple fake tunnels anyone trying to get through without knowledge of those tunnels we instructed people to give each other had a chance to get lost or even die" Gheranto says

"Well, that certainly complicates things though you will be able to help us in that regard hopefully unless they have been covered up" Laraka says

"Chances are they wouldn't have gone through the trouble of getting rid of them completely, we had similar tunnels in other cities which we managed to sneak back into using them" Itimkrata says

"Good to know" Reinlas says

When reinlas stops speaking an elite warrior runs into the room.

"Apologies for bursting in but I have urgent news!" The warrior shouts

"Speak then" Reinlas says

"Scyera and Lieran have left towards Toranerk with the intent to take it back themselves" The warrior says

No one says anything and jsut look at eachother until Reinals looks at Laraka.

"Chances of success?" Reinlas asks

"They are high unless Keireen appears to defend the city himself" Laraka says

"Alright. Get some reinforcements for them and put them nearby to the city to help if they are needed" Reinlas says

"On it" Laraka says as he walks out with the warrior

On a mountain near Toranerk Scyera looks towards the city with Lieran at her side.

"Take your mist soldiers and surround the city in hiding until you sense my mist in the middle of the city" Scyera says

"On it" Lieran says as she conjured her soldiers and gets Scyeras mist absorbed into them

Lieran leaves with her soldiers as scyera walks to a false rock wall and opens it and starts flooding it with her mist. The mist travels through the tunnel and its interconnected tunnels until it reaches multiple points throughout the city rising into the streets and filling them up as people look around confused. Lieran senses the massive amount of mist and sends her soldiers closer to the city walls where guards notice them.

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