Chapter 2: New Buddy!!

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When they arrived, panting, they entered the store. Both of them ran to the dragonic series pack shelf since those are the newest. Pete closed his eyes and reach out for any pack at the shelf. He grabbed it and decided that he would take it. John walked along the aisle and try to find his pack but none of them suited him.
After he checked to whole aisle, there was nothing he wanted so he decided to check the other asiles. But when he was about to walk away, he saw something glowing under one of the shelf.
He rubbed his eye again and opened. It was real!!! He bent down picked it up. It was a buddyfight pack! It's name was [Lightning rage].

John Mikado: Hmm... this suits me!!

John decided as he grabbed his pack and ran to pay together with Pete.
When they walked out, Pete asked him where he got the pack from

John: I found it under the shelf, I am surprised that it literally has a price tag
Afterwards, they walked outside of the store to open their new pack of cards. When Pete opened his, his eyes were sparkling

Pete: Wow! I got a double rare card, Spawn of the demonic dragon, Booze. It's from darkness dragon world. I am totally gonna use that deck!

John : Don't worry about that, my grandfather's friend is the master of deck building. He will help you. Now it  is my turn!!

When he opened the pack, the clouds went dark, thunder cracked and a lightning bolt strike John's pack. John tried to throw the pack to avoid getting electrocuted but he was stuck rooted to the ground.

Luckily, his pack was only hit. John panicked as he quickly tried to look in his pack. But before he could do that, a card emerged from the pack and transformed into a huge lightning dragon.

John: A buddy rare!!

The dragon looked at John

Dragon: Looks like you are my buddy, my name is Blitzen, you can call me Blitz. I am the lightning dragon diety of the dragon world.

John: Well my name is John Mikado, son of the heir to the gargantua punisher, Yuga Mikado

Blitz eyes locked onto John's deck

Blitz: This deck is not for my tribe, I shall electrify them to be stronger to be worthy for me to be in this deck.

Blitz eyes glowed as John's deck got electrified. John quickly took out his deck to check the cards but the attribute and the ability changed.

Buddyfight z: Lightning rageWhere stories live. Discover now