Chapter 6: lost world gone

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Ranma: whoever you are, I will not allow you to carry on this

Hooded man: If you can stop me...

Ranma: now fear my new deck from the demonsions, luminize! Dimension beasts

Hooded man: I shall have all the power I can and obliterate this world, luminize, Destroyer!!!

Core gadget: Buddyfight!! Raise the flag!!

Ranma: Dragon world!!

Hooded man: Disaster!! It will allow me to have (dragon), (chaos) and (hundred demons) cards my deck. I start with 4 hand cards, 8 health and 2 gauge. Not only that, the total size on the field can be 100 and below

Ranma: what!! How did you get that.

Hooded man: I created it. Now I  will show you the power of disaster, charge and draw. Call, Steel Gauntlet dragon to the center! Attack the fighter!! I end

Hooded man: 8
Ranma: 8

Ranma: my turn!! Draw, charge and draw! I call dimension dragon, Aposto to the center!!

Dimension dragon, Appsto
Size: 2
Power: 5000
Defence: 6000
Critical: 2
Ability: if this monster is destroyed, choose one of the following two
Put the top two cards from your deck in your gauge
Gain two life points

Ranma: and I call dimension dragon, Padia to the left!!

Both dragons entered the field and roared

Dragons: do not mess with us!!!!

Ranma: Now, Aposto and Padia, attack steel gauntlet dragon. I end

Hooded man: Haha, looks like now is my turn. Draw, charge and draw. *smirk* I call Chaos Yamigedo to the center!!!

Ranma: Oh my god, it's Yamigedo, with the power of chaos.

Hooded man: I cast dragonic charge!!, now I equip burst claw Rajin.

Hooded man: Now, Yamigedo, attack Aposto.

Yamigedo just stomps on Aposto

Ranma: I activate Aposto's ability, I gain two life points.

Hooded man: now double attack and link with me!! I end

Ranma: Ahhhh

Ranma: 5

Hooded man: 8

Ranma: My turn. Draw!! Charge and draw. I cast super dragonic charge! I call Dimension dragon, Aplistos!!

Dimension dragon Aplistos
Power: 5000
Defence: 3000
Critical: 2
Call cost: pay one gauge
Ability: When this card enters the field, look at the top three cards of your deck, put up to one (lost world) or (dimension dragon) card in your hand and drop the rest

Ranma: I activate Aplistos ability, When this card enters the field, look at the top three cards of my deck, put up to one (lost world) or (dimension dragon) card in my hand and drop the rest.

He looked the top three cards and took one of them.

Ranma: Now you are doom. Flag change!! Lost world!!

The sky cracked and the deck changed.

Ranma: Aplistos and Padia will attack Yamigedo!! I end

Hooded man: Well time to show more of my power. I draw. Charge and draw. Ha! Now, I call!!! Geargod 99!! Now evolve!!! Geargod complete!!!
Chaos territory. I call drum bunker dragon to the center, chaos Batzz to the right and now, Raoring fists! Bal!!

All of the monsters appeared so fast that Ranma couldn't catch it.

Hooded man: Batzz will attack Aplistos. Double attack every one link attack on the fighter!!!.

Ranma: i cast, white dragon shield!!!

Hooded man: now Geargod double attack!! I end

Ranma: 1
Hooded man: 8

Ranma: my turn. Draw, charge and draw. I buddy call End destroyer!!!

Ranma: 2

Ranma: end destroyer, attack drum!!!

End destroyer: as you wish

End destroyer blasted drum, but something came up

Hooded man: I cast gear Chaos wall. Barrier of havoc!!

Ranma: Double attack!! I end

Hooded man: my turn. Draw, charge and draw. I will end you. I buddy call. Azi dahaka ! Rebirth!

Ranma: I activate Destroyer's ability and take one card from its  soul guard. I equip!! Vile demonic Cannon, lostless Maser!!
azi dahaka, "rebirth"
Size: 4
Power: 10000
Defence: 10000
Critical: 2
Call cost: pay 3 gauge and place (hundred demon), (chaos) and (dragon) cards on the field into its soul
Ability: 1. Destruction: when this monster enters the field, destroy all the monster on the field
            2. Depletion: pay 1 gauge, for each monster is destroyed by card effects, put one card from the top of the deck into the drop zone
(Soul guard)( double attack)

Ranma: now azi dahaka, now who exactly are you

Hooded man took out his mask.

Hooded man: My name is Luke!! Luke gean! I am the descendant of Kyoya gean!!! now azi dahaka's ability destroy  destroyer!!

Azi dahaka rose and spread its devious wings. It raised one of its claw and slashed Destroyer.

Ranma: Soulguard

Luke: azi dahaka attack destroyer!

Ranma: Soulguard.

Luke: Double attack

Ranma: Soul guard

Luke: Final phase!! I call impact monster!!! Azi dahaka. Soul blaster!!!

Azi dahaka, "Soul blaster"
Power: infinite
Defence: 20000
Critical: 5
Ability: Sacrifice: both monsters on your opponent and your own fields will lose all of their soul cards
(Double attack)

Luke: I use Azi dahaka's ability. Sacrifice!!

Ranma: Nooo!!

Luke: Now attack destroyer!!

Azi dahaka blasted destroyer and the game ended

Core gadget: winner: Luke Gean

Luke: As the deal goes. I will take destroyer.

Ranma: Noo!!

Luke: I release, the Disaster force!!!

His hair grew and his appearance changed. Now, he looked just like a dragon. Azi dahaka.

Luke: You are not worthy of this power. Now it's mine.

Luke blasted destroyer and took Ranma's core deck.

Ranma: Destroyer!!

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