Chapter 7: New friend

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After John saw the video his face went pale.

John: Oh no, we got ourselves a mega villain now.

Pete: Bro, relax. We can handle this, your father can too.

John took a deep breath and decided

John: Ya, let's go to Castle to get ourselves a new pack. Blitz, skill.

Blitz: As you wish my buddy.

Core gadget: Buddyskill on!!

Pete: Can I hop on too?

John: sure!

They zoomed and rushed to Castle.

When they arrived, Castle was filled with people.

John: What's happening?

Pete: Probably some match.

John decided to check it out first while Pete get his pack.
As John walked to the crowd, he saw a fight between a kid with spikey red hair fighting against another kid.

Red haired kid: Final phase, I cast!!! Dragod's library of impacts, diety gargantua punisher!!!!

John: Woah, that's new!!

He walked over the kid and took out his core gadget.

John: Kid!! What's your name?

Red haired kid: Names Oliver, you are John mikado.

John: Yep. Oliver, I challenge you to a Buddyfight!!

Oliver: I was gonna say that.

They went to the Castle stadium and got ready. A crowd of people gathered.
While the fight was starting, Pete opened his new pack and it glowed.

John: Gather the lightning army, luminize!! Electrifying strike!!

Oliver: The blade that end fights!! Luminize!! Blade of destiny!

Crowd: Buddyfight!!

Oliver and John: Raise the flag!!

Oliver: Katana world

John: Dragon world

Core gadget: Oliver has first move.

Oliver: Charge and draw!! I set! Shinobi scroll! I pay one gauge and equip!! Five heavenly swords, Onimaru and call accelerate ninja, Hayate to my left and call electro ninja Shiden to my right. I activate it's ability, I discard a ninja arts card from my hand and pay one gauge. I draw two cards. I attack the fighter. I end

John: 8
Oliver: 10

John: hmm, quite a lot for the first turn. My turn, draw. Charge and draw, I call to the center, Diamond shield dragon and lightning deity of combat, Gargantua dragon to the left! I equip! Electrifying blade!

Lightning deity of combat, Gargantua dragon
Power: 7000
Defence: 6000
Critical: 2
Ability: Pay one gauge and one life, if you do, you can destroy a card on your opponent's field.
[double attack]

John: I cast!! Dragon aura! I gain two gauge and one life. Next gargantua dragon will attack Hayate. Double attack on shiden!

Oliver: I cast Shooting cross knives, eighth hands.

He held three kurenai and threw them at John's monsters.

John: crap, now all of my monsters are out. I will attack you myself!!

Buddyfight z: Lightning rageWhere stories live. Discover now