Chapter 9: Guardian's gathering

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John and Oliver rushed over to Pete.

Oliver: Woah, you were wicked just now.

John: Yeah. That reminds me of something, since when you had a buddy?

Pete: Oh, when you were fighting with what's your name?

He pointed to Oliver.

Oliver: Oh right, I haven't introduced myself to you. My name is Oliver and this is my buddy, Dranata.

He pointed to the dragon in his deformed mode. He has red samurai armour with a circle of swords around it.

Pete: So when you both were having a match, I opened up my pack and found my buddy in it. After that, I saw you guys in the dark space.

John: Oh yeah. Anyways, how do we find other guardians?

Blitz: Oh that's very easy. There are a logo at the Guardian Wielders when they fight. And their buddy is a dragon.

John: Ok, but how are we suppo.....

John's fore head had a logo. Are lightning logo and he started rising into the air.

Oliver: Ehh. What's happening?

Pete: I have no idea.

His body glowed with light and his clothes started to change to white and gold armour. A lightning logo at the right side of the chest plate. He opened his eyes, filled with light and started to speak.

John: The Guardians can be found in Sunset city, Castle and one of the three card stores in your town.

After that, he turned back to normal and collapse.

Pete: John!

Oliver ran to pick John up.

Oliver: Where is his house?

Pete led the way to John's house and they ran.

John opened his eyes and saw that he was at home. He sat up and stretched.

John: I thought that I was outside?

Pete walked in and saw John stretching.

Pete: Oh you are awake.

John: What happen.

Pete went to him and explain everything.

John: Oh really, we must really get to them now. 

Pete: You should rest first, you are not fully healed yet.

John: What are you talking about, I am fine.

John stood up and showed him.

John then went to gather Oliver and Pete.

John: Guys, I have a plan. We will start a Guardia's Gathering. We will split and go to the different places and find the other guardians. That way we can finish this faster. Ok?

Oliver: Ok.

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