Search for the guardians(John)

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John decided to go to Sunset city. He activated his buddy skill and sped to the train to book a ticket.
As he booked a train ticket to sunset and read the ticket.

John: What!! 3 hours!

Blitz: Well, in the 3 hours, let's enjoy it.

Just when they were talking, a person with a black mask walked towards John.

Black mask: Hey. Are you John?

John turned behind and was surprised.

John: Yeah. No offence,  it why do you wear a black mask?

Black mask: lol, looks like you don't know. I, Black eye, general of the disaster force, challenge you to a Buddyfight!

John: *sigh* Seriously, do you have to do that? You want a battle, just ask normally. Let's just get over it.

Black mask: Luminize, Disaster blade! World of disaster!

John: Luminize! Electrifying strike!

Both: Buddyfight! Raise the flag!

Black mask: Dragon world!

John: Dragon world

Black mask: I go first! Charge and draw! I call......

(A good 5 minutes later)

Black mask: 5
John: 20

John has Blitz on the scene, a one size monster with double attack and a zero size monster with an ability of adding a critical.

John: Final turn! Blitz, attack!

Black mask: green dragon shield!

John: double attack!

Black mask: blue dragon shield!

John: drago and boost dragon shield! Attack!

Black mask: No shield. Nooooo!!!!!

Black mask: 0

John: 20

John sighed and just walked away, leaving poor black mask alone.

Black mask: Wait! Have this!

He threw a card to John and he caught it. John took a good look at the card  and his eye widened.

John: This is a custom card!

Black mask: I figured that you are much worthy of it. Use it for your buddy.

Blitz: Let's go!!!!

Blitz snatched the card out of John's hands.

John: Hey!

Out of the blue, Blitz started glowing with the card. He rose and light rays shot out of him.

Blitz: Transform! Zuesssss transformation!

Thunder clashed and lightning strike him. When Blitz landed on the ground, he looked much better. His eyes has lighting in it.

His armour was now more of the Olympian topic.

Blitz: Woah.

His voices now sounded like multiple people are talking.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2021 ⏰

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