Chapter 4: Electrifying Strike

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John and Pete: Buddyfight! Raise the flag!!!

Pete: I fight for darkness dragon world

John: I fight for dragon world!

Blitz raise the flag and sway it left and right

Pete: I got first move. Charge and draw!!

Pete looked at his hand cards

Pete: I pay one gauge, one life and I equip Black of lament, Sad grieve! And I attack the fighter

Sad grieve
Call cost: pay one gauge and one life
Power: 6000
Critical: 1

Pete raised his weapon and slashed down at John.
John's health: 9

Core gadget: Turn over

John: my turn, I draw, I charge and draw!!

John had a smile on his face

John: I cast dragonic charge, I cast dragonic charge again

John: I pay one gauge and call, Lightning Drum Bunker!!!

Lightning Drum bunker
Size 2
Call cost: pay one gauge
Power: 7000
Defence: 5000
Critical: 3
Ability: When a link attack is nullified, you may call up to one "Blitzen" from your deck, drop pile or hand onto the field without paying call cost and send this card to the drop zone
[Move] [Penetrate] [Soul guard]

John: I pay one gauge and equip!! Electrifying blade!

A Lightning bolt strike from the sky at John's hand and it turned into a sword with lightning.

Electrifying blade
Power: 5000
Critcal: 1

John: I link attack with drum to the fighter!!

John and drum leaped into the air and head for Pete.

Pete: Not so fast, I cast! Black dragon shield,

Drum: Sup kid, wow, you are like your grand father!!

John: Yep, I pay one gauge and equip! Electrifying blade!

A blade with lightning appeared on John's hand

John: I link attack with Drum!!

They both jumped to Pete and attack

Pete: Not so fast, I nullify the attack with Black dragon shield. I gain one life

Pete's health: 11

John: With Drum's ability, when a link attack is nullified, I can call up to one "Lightning Dragon Deity from my deck, drop pile or hand on the field without paying its call cost and send this card to the drop zone.

Drum: Good luck kid.

John: I buddy call, Lightning dragon deity Blitzen to the left!

John's health: 11

Blitz flew to the left and sparks came out of him

Size: 3
Call cost: pay two gauge and one life
Power: 7000
Defence: 4000
Critical: 3
Ability: Lightning roar: all (lightning dragon) cards on the field gain 3000 power
[move] [Double attack] [soul guard]

Blitz: Time to fight, let me at them. Lightning roar!!

John: Now Blitz, link attack with me!

Pete: Arghh

Pete's health: 7

John: Blitz double attack

Blitz: With pleasure

Pete: Arghhh

Pete's health: 4

Baku was watching at the side and smiled

Baku: Final phase

John: Time for Final ....

Blitz: You sure you want to cast it? My power will flow into your body it is too risky, you might die!!

John: That's why I want to cast it, I want to know how it feels like. Final phase!

Blitz: let's go then, merge!!!!

Blitz flew to John and merge as one.

John: Arghhh!!!! I cast!

The sky opened up as a gigantic spear filled with electricity came down as John catch it.

John: Ahhhh!!! Impact!

He grabbed it and jumped.

John: Lightning Dragonic spear strike!!!!!

(Lightning dragonic spear strike)
Cast cost: pay 3 gauge, you must have  your opponent life must be 5 and below
Effect: deal 5 damage to your opponent, it cannot be reduced and if your opponent life hit zero, you can't change it

(Lightning dragonic spear strike)Cast cost: pay 3 gauge, you must have  your opponent life must be 5 and belowEffect: deal 5 damage to your opponent, it cannot be reduced and if your opponent life hit zero, you can't change it

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He brought down the spear towards Pete. After it hit him, Lightning bolts came down and hit him again.

Core gadget: Game over, winner: John Mikado

Buddyfight z: Lightning rageWhere stories live. Discover now