Chapter 5: The Blade Master

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Baku came right after the finishing blow.

Baku: Good, you are just like your grandfather, the good old days.

John: What was he like?

Baku: Oh I will tell you, sit back and listen as I tell you more about the mighty sun fighter. Long ago, the was a kid call Gao Miakdo, he is good at Judo and always tend to save other children from bullies if he come across one. He call himself the Mighty Sun Fighter, just like a hero he likes. After a while, he started playing buddyfight and had three different buddies, Drum, Bal and Batzz. They were all strong and eventually evolved into the strongest monsters they could ever be...

*time skip*
Baku: And that's the story of your father,"

Pete was so enchanted with the story but John was almost going to doze off, he had heard that same story, he thought that it would be another story. When they left, John went back home and saw Aunt Hanaka.

John: Hi Aunt

They talked about buddyfight and Blitz

At night, John created a mini bed for Blitz to sleep in. Surprisingly, he liked it. John looked at Blitz and smiled

John: I am so lucky to have you, at least you are not so rude and stubborn like Batzz, or as dumb as Bal

John smiled thinking about that and went to sleep.

*the next morning*

John phone: Ring!!!

John picked up his phone and saw the time, he was almost late for school!!

John: Oh no! Blitz wake up!

Blitz jumped time out of his bed.

Blitz: What!! You don't have to scare me like that!

Blitz face was red like a tomato.

John: Sorry, it is just that I am late for school

Both of them rushed down the stairs and out of the house. John was worried thinking of how his teacher will scold him for being late again.
Blitz: Hey John, I think you will need this

Core gadgets said: Buddyskill on.

John had Lightning bolt as a skateboard.

John: Thanks Blitz, you are the best,"

John and Blitz zoomed to school.

They zoomed all the way to the classroom and stopped just right behind the door. Blitz then went back in John's deck and he entered the classroom.

*during math class*

The math teacher, Mr Neginoyama entered the class room and after greeting him. He gave back the class test results and took out a buddyfight card.
Mr Neginoyama: Since you guys did well or improve, for this lesson, we will do something else

All of the student cheered as Mr Neginoyama took out a buddyfight card and raise it up. The card glowed and make a portal in front of him, sucking the whole class in. Afterwards, he entered too.

When they entered the place, they were standing in a Buddyfight stadium.

Mr Neiginoyama: Today, we will buddyfight each other one by one.

He took out a phone and opened an app.

Mr Neiginoyama: We will see who will fight first with this app

He clicked a button in it and two names came out

Mr Neiginoyama: Ooo, The Blade master, and eh, Clark!!

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