Chapter 8: the Dragod Gaurdians

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All of  their buddies bow down to the light as it shines and forms a dragon. When John looked at it, he definitely recognise it.

John: it's Garga!!

It was Yuga's buddy, Deity Gargantua dragon. It looked down at the humans below it.

Gargantua dragon: Dragods, you may rise.

As the dragod's rose, Pete was gasping at his new buddy.

Blitz: lord Gargantua dragon, why have you summoned us here.

Gargantua dragon: As you all know, a new threat has threatened not only the world, but the whole universe as we know.

John: What threat, the Disaster force?

Gargantua dragon: Indeed so. The force that the descendant of Kyoya gean created can open multiple dimensions. But the one he is aiming for are the ones with the most power. The world of Godzilla and the world of Vanguard. He is planning to capture Godzilla and many vanguard to turn it into Buddyfight cards to destroy the universe.

Pete: Wait how is that possible?

Gargantua dragon: When he had Yamigedo, Geargod and Azi dahaka, he just needed Destroyer to create that power. Which he now has. These four biggest threat the world of buddyfight has ever face is in one world now. And with their power, they can open dimensions and transform creatures and after things.

Oliver: So what exactly must we do?

Gargantua dragon: First find the other Dragod guardians from Star dragon world,  Legend world, Danger world, Hero world and Magic world. After wards, attempt to stop the dimensions from being opened. Now, you have to quickly find them before the disaster force does.

Gargantua dragon created a ball of light and exploded: Good luck guardians.

John woke up and saw himself standing on the stage as if the match just ended. When he looked across, he also saw Oliver working up. They quickly rushed down the flight of stars to find Pete, only seeing a Buddyfighter pointing a knife at Pete.

John: A disaster force member!

Oliver: Yeah, we better head down to settle things.

Mysterious fighter: Hand me the guardian or I will...

Pete: Wait, let's Buddyfight to settle this you win you get my deck, I win I get your deck.

John: Wai.....

Before John could said only the mysterious fighter took out a black skull and threw it up.

Mysterious fighter: Black fighting stage shroud and confuse!!!

Shadow blasted out of the black skull, consuming both fighters into a skeleton fighting stage.

Mysterious fighter: I am the hunter of guardians, no let shall escape!! Luminize! Deadly traps!

Pete: Sacrifice for the best, luminize! Historical sacrifice!

Pete and mysterious fighter: buddyfight! Raise the flag

Mysterious fighter: Katana world!

Pete: Darkness dragon world!!

Core gadget: mysterious fighter have the first move!

Mysterious fighter: charge and draw! I pay one life to equip dark arms, demonic poison fumes cube! I call to the right Oeyama's Monstrous Oni, Kid Ibuki and call to the left! Red Fiend kid kaneguma! Now kid ibuki! Attack the fighter!

Mysterious fighter: 8
Pete: 8

Pete: My turn, draw! Charge and draw! I am gonna end you in this turn. I call demios to the right and call purgatory knight silver staff dragon to my left and to the center!! Purgatory knights ringblade dragon. And I equip, Purgatory Knights Reborn Sword, Expia sword. It's effect let's me put up to one size two or less purgatory knights monster from my deck to my hand. Now, Demios will evolve!!!

Mysterious fighter: What!?

John: God, it's Demios new evolution.

Pete: I buddy call! Dragod of Sacrifice! Demios!!

Dragod of Sacrifice, Demios
Size: 2
Power: 8000
Defence: 8000
Critical: 3
Call cost: pay two gauges and place one card from the top of your deck to this card
Ability: [counter] (Act) Destroy a Purgatory Knights monster on your field, if you do. Stand this card.
[counter] (Act)Place a a Purgatory card from your field to the drop zone. If you do, you can choose another card to take from your deck and add it into your hand.
[soulguard] [double attack]

Pete: now I pay 5 life and cast!! Drink on the soul, Empower from the blood. I charge five gauge and place my buddy monster from the drop zone to my hand.
Now begin attack, phase. I link attack with Ringblade to the center! Now Demios attack the fighter.

Mysterious fighter: I cast Art of the body replacement!!

Pete: demios double attack!

Mysterious fighter: argh, I cast art of the body replacement

Pete: annoying, demios ability, I send silver staff to the drop zone and demios attack the fighter!

Mysterious fighter: Now I cast art of the body replacement.

Pete: He only has one card left. Time to end this. I activate demios's ability again. I will send ringblade to the drop zone. Now ringblade revive with Soulguard and his ability activates. When he is destroyed. He can attack once again. Now demios and ringblade will link attack!

Mysterious fighter: I didn't expect this to happen. I cast! Art of the body replacement.

Pete: not yet. I activate demios ability and send ringblade to the drop zone. Now demios attack the fighter.

Mysterious fighter: Ha, I am still alive.

Pete: Not get. I actively demios's second ability.

Mysterious fighter: What is it now!!

Pete: I send one of my purgatory knights card from the field to the drop zone and take one card from my deck to my hand.

Demios: Ultimate sacrifice!!

Pete: Now final phase.

John: Oh my. Pete has improved.

Pete: Time stop! Time for your devastating end!

Everywhere went grey except for Pete. He raised a card.


A white blade formed on top of the card and Pete brought it down on to the mysterious fighter.

Mysterious fighter: 0 Pete: 3

Core gadget: Game over. Pete is the winner.

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