Back in your arms- part 2

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Dec searched the house but he couldn't find the man anywhere.

"He is not home" Dec said frowning.

" Was he supposed to go somewhere?" Ant said from kitchen.

"I don't know" Dec tried to remember if he said anything about work the previous day. Why can't he remember anything about his work schedual?

"Since when does he wake up before eleven on a non working day?" Ant laughed and continued making the eggs, not looking up.

"I...I don't know" a wave of unease hit him as he realized he really didn't know what Stephen was doing the past, the past month or two. His breathing sped up. When was the last time he saw him home all day?

"You okay Decs? what's with that face?" Ant looked at him with half worry half curiosity.

"Where is he?"

"You're asking me? I haven't seen you two in months...does he have a show to do? is he doing a new one?" Ant said still not getting how nervous Dec was getting by seconds.

"I don't know Anth" Dec said, looking desperately at his boyfriend.

Ant put the spoon down went to hug him and grabbed his face in his hands.
"Declan, what's wrong babe? Did something happen that I don't know?"

He was getting worried, sure he noticed the differences in his boyfriends the previous night, the bags under their eyes, the weight loss and the maturity in Dec's eyes which he wished he never caused. But this seemed serious.
what had happened when he was gone that made Dec this upset?

Ant: "please calm down, I call him now"

He couldn't let go of Dec but he tried to use one hand to call Stephen and it went straight to voice mail. He would try later, first he needed to calm this one down.

"Declan pet, look at me... come on deep breaths.... I need to know what's going on, talk to me..." He tried to make him look at him by lifting his chin.

Dec had a kicked puppy look on his face and the last time he saw that look, was because he made him look like that. Guilt ran through his veins. But he needed to fix this first, then he could think about his mistakes all over again.

"Dec...what's wrong?" He was begging. Dec tried to calm down enough so he could talk.

"I don't know where he is, what he's doing...." He sniffled and continued "I didn't realize I was ignoring him..." He sniffled quietly.
Was he gone now that he knew Ant was back and both of them were okay? The older man thought.

"What do you mean ? I was calling you both, you know I can tell when you're lying, everything sounded normal Dec" Ant was starting to feel uneasy.

"I...I just realized now...we didn't talk...I...I don't talk to him anymore" Dec said, head falling down to his hands.
He continued head still in hand,"when you went to rehab I lost it, I can't remember much, he was a mess too, I gave him some space so we could both deal with our heads, I think I lost the track of time and gave us too much space"

"That's ok pet. He knows how you get when you're upset. I'm sorry I made you two suffer, I love you two so much..." Ant was getting emotional but he thought now wasn't the time, he needed to solve this problem first.

"No Anth you don't understand, I needed you, I haven't slept with him for months, what if...what if he won't come back?..." He tried not sound childish.

Ant clicked his tongue silently and regretted not prying more attention the previous night.

"Declan..I'm sure he wasn't up to sex either" Ant said trying to make Dec see reason.

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