make 'em jelly(Ant)

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Ant was jealous. He was always the one to get jealous quickly and he never could hide it well.

He sat sulkily against the back of his chair glaring holes into Dec's head. It was another one of those days where his Decky could do nothing but laugh that infectious laugh and everyone was all over him, smiling at him, giving him hugs and patting his head. What was he, a pet? If anyone's he was Ant's, but he wasn't even jealous in that way. He looked over the stage to find his other boyfriend and there was no sign of him. Probably busy winding some contestant up backstage. He huffed and frowned at people that were completely ignoring him.

Ant could not stand the fact that it was afternoon and Dec had not talked to him all day except from the normal chats.

The limited talk with him drove Ant mad, he was jealous that his best friend would pay more attention to the crew than him.

Finally the crew left him alone and he could have his boy all to himself again. Maybe Dec could pay some attention to him too.

"Ya alright there?" Dec asked frowning at Ant.
Ant scoffed before answering "Fine."

Dec knew he wasn't okay but the he still couldnt really tell if Ant was in a bad mood or he was his normal grumpy self.

He couldn't fool Dec, but to everyones surprise Stephen could read them like a book, the man wasn't as oblivious as it seemed.

As it was their break between acts, there was chaos backstage and there popped out a curly hair which had a silly dog hat on it and the boys shared a confused look as they couldn't see bgmt crew following the loud man shouting "HI GUYS!"

Dec: "Where are your men?"

Stephen: "Huh?"

Ant: "Aren't you doing a part with us?"

Stephen "No... I just came to show you this"
He showed his tshirt which was supporting the next act and had funny words printed on it. The shirt made them laugh.

"Any explanation for the hat?"Dec gestured to his head.

"Oh I just liked it, it was in Amanda's dressing room. here, you try it ... You will look cute"

He put the hat on Ant's head and made the hat's ears stand straight up.

Stephen: "Awe" he smiled at him fondly.

Ant:" Shut up..." He shoved Stephen lightly.

Dec: " Awe look at him" he looked fondly at his blushing boyfriend and reached his hand to pinch his cheek.

Ant: "Don't, I'm a hot man, you're ruining my public image" he said raising an eyebrow.

"You're cute, hot man" Stephen giggled and whispered near his ear so no one but the three of them could hear.

"Oh, don't kiss him now" Dec looked around to make sure no one was watching them. He nudged Stephen away smirking.

Stephen: "I won't! what do you think I am, a rabbit?"

Dec: "Donkey is more accurate"

Stephen: " not talking to you for a whole half an hour!"

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