Midnight nonsense (A/D/S)

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Dec found his way to their bed, walking tiredly and eyes almost closed. They had a very long, tiring day and the extra three hours didn't help their already exhusted bodies. The shower was still running, much to Ant's annoyance. He wanted to use it as soon as they reached home but apparently Stephen got back from his script check session sooner.
Dec plumped himself face first to the soft matress and snuggled happily to the sheets. He streched his sore limbs and made a sound in comfort when he heard some poppings from his joints.

Ant entered the room, "Popping your spine back to position again?"

"Hmm" Dec hummed to his pillow.

"Do you wanna eat something?" Ant asked distractedly, while discarding his coat.

"No, sleep..." Dec moaned hiding more in to the sheets.

Ant: "I'm not hungry either"

Dec:"Is Stephen out of the shower?"

Ant: "No, still wasting my hot water" he pouted.

Dec smiled at him mischievously,"Lock him out"

Ant changed into more comfortable clothes and joined Dec on the bed, not before locking the door from inside with a grin. He spooned the smaller man from behind and closed his eyes relaxing.

"I'm not getting up if he starts banging the door" Ant said, his body relaxed to Dec's back.

Dec: "Shame... He has to wait until tomorrow morning then"

Ant: "He'll freeze to death" he giggled, face still in Dec's hair.

Dec: "Can we arrange the funeral tomorrow? I'm really tired"

They both dozed off to a light sleep not even moving to lay in a more comfortable position. The peace was short lived when the door handle was being tried aggressively from outside.

" Guys? You in there? I think you accidently locked the door"

Ant moaned and burried his face in Dec's neck. Dec stayed silent but smiled sleepily when he heard his boyfriend's annoyed voice.

"Come on, I'm just wearing a towel, it's cold. What are you even doing? Don't start fun without me" the younger man held the towel tighter around himself and tried to see inside the room through the keyhole. He was abnormally hyper for a man who worked all day. He was actually looking forward to getting back home and have some fun. Too bad his boyfriends were too worn out to move a muscle let alone any other body parts.

"Go open the door" Ant asked Dec eventually.

"Not my problem" Dec said smiling innocently at his boyfriend.

Ant raised an eyebrow scoffing, "You suggested that"

"You locked it"

"Declan" Ant was getting annoyed and he was as tired as the little cheeky man beside him but he wasn't helping him out.

Dec mocked his tone, "Anthony"

"GUYSSS ARE YOU ALRIGHT IN THERE?" Stephen shouted. He was getting frustrated.

They both decided they wanted to be stubborn and not lose the unsaid competition of who leaves the bed first, they replied in unison, "yeah"

"Why am I locked out?" Stephen asked.

"You hogged the shower" Ant said, not in a mood to explain how he fell in Dec's trap. And he did hog the shower after all.

Stephen waited for a moment to hear more explaination but he didn't get any, "And?"

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