Cuddler™ (A/D/S)

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Everyone knew the little geordie was an insistent cuddler. He would cuddle without anyone realizing they were being cuddled. Ant called it his ninja move. He would slowly lean his head to to his victims' shoulders then pressed to their sides until they eventually put their hand around him and suddenly they would find themselves with a lapful of a five feet six(and a half), man who was fitting himself perfectly to their every curves. Only the ones with death wishes or stone hearts would let go or extract themselves before his majesty decided to move.
Of course the usual choices were his boyfriends but if any other lucky friend got the chance, Ant's glare would make them bow to Dec's every need, which wasn't more than few pats or just sitting still and shutting up.

Ant was always most likely to get attacked with a cuddle out of nowhere and he didn't mind it one bit as long as they weren't in a rush, in the middle of the street or in the middle of a link, which ironically were the times he had to deny Dec.

Stephen on the other hand had his cuddle duties mostly at their home. Ant pittied the poor lad as he had to let Dec decide how much he wanted to be in the younger man's arms. It normally lasted between an hour to four hours, while Ant had three or four short sessions due to disability to sit still for a long time and the fact that Dec had more chances of sitting by him in a week.


The more Dec was upset, tired or emotional the more he stealthly dug his way in his boys arms, and to be fair Ant had warned Stephen that Dec was a little moody recently as the time of leaving for Australia was getting closer.

Stephen had a very busy schedual as well but he spent as much as time he could at home. So when Ant went out to walk Rocky and Hurley one chill evening, Stephen found his smaller boyfriend pressing himself closer to him on the couch. He smiled fondly and held him closer, "hello kitten, want some head rub?" He teased lightly.

Dec didn't answer but his soft breaths and half closed eyes made Stephen move his hand toward the feathery hair unconciously.

Stephen took his eyes away from the television and looked down at the shorter man's barely visible face, "Deccy?"

The messy head moved a little upward and a pair of deep blue eyes looked at his own curious ones.
Stephen sighed seeing the shiney eyes, he put his free hand on Dec's side of face and tucked his head in his neck, "bad day?"

Dec nodded shortly and moved even closer, silently demanding a full cuddle. Stephen leaned to the armrest and offered more body to his moping boyfriend.
Dec laid as much as he could on the younger man and rested his head on his chest.
"Better?" Stephen asked softly.

Dec mumbled a quiet 'yeah' to the taller's man shirt, feeling content as Stephen's fingers were alternating between massaging his head and rubbing his back.

Stephen zoned out to his own world, hands still working subconciously. The front of his shirt was slowly getting wet but he knew better to disturb the smaller man, so he let Dec let them all out. He would try to make him talk later.

A short vibration got his attention. Opening the message Stephen's eyes widened. He had completely lost the track of time, he had to meet his team in half an hour and he hadnt gotten ready yet.

"Damn" he whispered nervously, not knowing how to move Dec.
He was clinging to him like a baby koala to his mom and Stephen didn't have the heart to tell him to get up. More importantly he COULDN'T move, Dec's full weight was pinning him down and no one could detach him if he didn't want to be uncuddled.

In his slight panicked state, Stephen sent a quick message to the only person who was more experienced in that area.

To Ant
I need to attend a meeting, Dec's cuddling me. I'm late, how far are you?

To Stephen
How hard?

To Ant
Latching on like a koala hard

To Stephen
I'm not near, let me talk to him

Not even 10 seconds later Stephen's phone started to ring.

"Hey, yeah...Wait" he said to the phone holding it to Dec's free ear that wasn't pressed to his chest.

He waited for few seconds looking down at him, hoping Ant could defuse the emotional bomb soon.

Dec's position on his chest changed and a small frown appeared on his face, still listening to whatever Ant was telling him.
Stephen waited, hoping Ant could do whatever he was doing faster, he was late and he hated it.

Dec jumped up and away from him as if he was burnt and snatched the phone he was holding for him, shouted at the other man, "he did what? It was a rare one! " He spat the last part toward Stephen's shocked face.

Stephen spared him a confused look before realizing what Ant had done.
Why couldn't he be useful and nice at the same time for once?

Dec ended the call and turned to the half standing man furiously.

Good at least he's not gonna miss me much now, Stephen thought hopefully.

"I knew it wasn't just lost, you fucking burnt my limited edtition New Castle shirt." Dec yelled at him eyes burning with anger.

Stephen closed his eyes and promised himself to get Ant back, but first he had to calm Dec down.

"Look, it was an accident, Ant threw it at me, I was just trying to put out the fire, he asked for the fire trick"

"I was searching for it for three days!"

"Okay I'm sorry, I get you anoth..." Stephen tried miserably.

"It wasn't a normal one!"

"I get it signed for you again" he promised not really knowing who he had to ask for the signature.

He fled the house faster than he ever did.


To Ant
I'm not allowed on the bed tonight and it's your fault. By the way good job making him angry on top of being upset.

He messaged the older man on his way.

To Stephen
You should know better to ask me for help :)

I talk to him, don't worry

I'm being cuddled

Bury my crushed body with grace

Fucking come back before I burst

I'm serious, I need to pee

You owe me big time, my bladder is being sacrificed for your mistake

To Ant
I don't owe you shit tattle tale, drown in your pee

Dec knocked the phone out of Ant's hand, not happy about being ignored. Ant sighed and put his hand back on Dec's head, using his softest voice "can I go for a short wee, pet?"

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