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"My mouth tastes like sock"

Ant continued his walking, unperturbed by the sudden and abnormal statement, and pulled Dec along. "must be the mouth wash and blood"

"My mouth is full of blooood. I am..." Dec paused. "A vampire."

Ant rolled his eyes, not for the first time that day, and pulled Dec to himself to keep him moving, "Alright dracula, let's go home"

They walked down the street where Stephen parked his car. Dec had extracted his wisdom teeth, and whatever drug they had gave him was now taking effect. It was a painful experience on both sides, physically for Dec, who was more than vocal about his discomfort, and mentally for Ant, who was trying to calm him down and stop him from fainting everytime he saw a drop of his own blood.

"Why are we walking?" Dec asked.

" we can't use our car, because one, you would definitely get blood in it," he gestured to the blood on the front of his shirt, "and two, neither of us can drive in your current state. Someone's gotta keep an eye on you. Stephen will drive us back" Ant said.

"Oh," Dec said, "is he nice?" he asked distractedly.

Ant shook his head and tried to wipe the small drops of blood off Dec's lips with his fingers "yeah he is"

Dec nodded his head, " can't we take a taxi? What if this guy steals us?" he looked at Ant with a serious scared expression.

"Don't worry I won't let him" Ant said affectionately, then continued moving.

"Can we get chocolate, pretty pleeaaase?"


Dec suddenly released a huge gasp.

"What?" Ant asked, concerned. "What is it?"

Dec's eyes went comically wide, and then he pointed to a spot behind Ant, "A duck!" "Come 'ere ducky." He made grabby hands at the duck.

Ant turned around to see what Dec was referring to. When he found it, his eyes widened "That's not a duck. That's a bloody seagul, you don't even like birds"

Suddenly, Dec's expression turned protective, "Don't worry, I'll protect you." Then he balled fists suggesting that he was going to fight the poor bird.

A screeching squawk ripped through the air, and Ant cursed, "Shit! It's coming towards us" he didnt want to wait and see Dec panic so he decided to do something about it himself.

Dec remained rooted to the ground, still holding up his fists trying to look threatening, "You dare come near my Anth with your ugly face? Fight me, ducky! I'll smash your face in"

Ant face palmed, though he couldn't deny the wave of fondness rushing through him. "For god's sake Declan" He picked Dec up, bridal style and ran to the car.

Dec laughed bouncing in Ant's arms, "This is fun!"

Ant put him on the ground near the car and opened the back door. "Get in"

When Dec went in, Ant went to sit near him but he saw Stephen's annoyed face in the mirror.

"What am I? Your personal driver? Come sit in the front" the younger man complained.

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