How to train your nonsense![M]

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This one contains homosexual sex scenes, so be warned, If it's not what you like.

Ant loved him, though he was pretty sure he could love him and want to headbutt him at the same time.
Stephen was the most annoying person if he wanted to be, and at the moment Ant knew he was making an effort to be annoying just to make him mad. One might ask why? The answer was 'cause he's a little brat no matter how old he is. And he enjoyed winding Ant up just enough to arouse him.

Containing the annoyance wasn't the hard bit, not letting himself lose control and get so horny and fuck the younger man speechless was the challenge.

And like always he lost, pressing the taller man against the bedroom wall kissing him with a force he knew he was leaving bruises. To be honest he was aiming for bruises.

He almost laughed at Stephen's moans, the man had the nerve to sound pathetic after driving Ant mad all morning.
His hand found it's way to the taller man's pants, rubbing with a force he normally wouldn't use. Today Stephen was being a special brat and it had nothing to do with the time they stayed apart because of their schedual, nothing at all.

Ant was almost glad Declan left with the dogs for a walk, or he defenitely would have made him take pity on the younger man and made him go easier on him.

Not that Stephen minded the rough treatment, he was apparently enjoying it too much by the way he was making loud noises and growing harder in Ant's hand. Few rough strokes later and Stephen came panting, too overwhelmed to care about controling himself.

Ant's frustration grew and pushed the younger man toward the double bed. In a few minutes Ant had him pinned to the matress and was pounding into his unprepared ass, inabling him from making meaningful words.
And the poor man came again a second time, while Ant hitted his prostate continuesly. He was like wax in the shorter man's hands, being shaped into forms he wanted him to.

Not long after that, Ant came groaning inside him.
They both were sprawled out on the bed afterwards, taking deep breaths, calming down.

Some time later when Ant heard the front door, he opened his eyes looking at the asleep form near him. Stephen was probably going to sleep for some time. He was already tired and on edge before Ant managed to shag his brain out.

Smirking at the ruffled head and the bruising neck of his lover, he got up to clean them both and put on his shorts.

Dec was in the room hanging his coat when Ant came back from the bathroom, dressed and clean.

"Did you knock him out?" asked Dec nodding his head at the sleeping man.

Ant shrugged, " he was being a brat," he kissed the smaller man on the lips.

Dec was smiling lopsidedly when they parted, "Told you to wait for me, he's fucked out. What about my turn?"

"Had to shut him up somehow, how about we start on our own. He can join when he comes alive"

Dec didn't lose time, he was already horny from looking at the man on the bed and the other one looking at him hungrily, "Yeah, good idea"
And round two started.

Dec didn't mind the power play Ant and Stephen had going on, and although he didn't really get how the younger man was getting off of the rough sex, he wasn't against it as long as it was controlled.
It was working for them and as far as he cared he had his tender way with Stephen.

But for him the pleasure was all about soft touch and sometimes more about foreplay and aftercare.

The kiss he shared with Ant started soft and deepened as they found eachother's sensitive parts, a hand touching his nipple raised his arousal to the point of moaning in the mouth attached to his.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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