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"I think I'm gonna go home now." Jayma said with a yawn as she streched out herself. The movie was almost over now and Diana was just getting more and more anxious. She didn't know when Luke was planing to show up, but if he's still the same as he was back when they were dating, he was most likely to show up any time now. "It's getting late and I'm really tired."

"No!" Diana shouted - almost screamed - at her best friend, making Jayma's eyes widen. "I mean, you can sleep her tonight. Please? I don't wanna be alone tonight."

Jayma frowned and turned so she sat faced to her friend. "Why? Did something happen?"

"No - well not yet - but something might happen soon and I don't wanna be alone with him." Diana mumbled, looking down at her phone oce again. She had been checking it every few seconds to see if Luke had texted her saying that he was or wasn't showing up.

"What do you mean? With who?" Jayma asked, frowning again. She was more than confused with Diana now.

"Luke." Diana said. "He texted me telling that he broke up with Emmy and I answered and I don't know what happened and now he is coming over here and I don't kno-"

"Alright, alright. Slow down. So Luke broke up with his girlfriend, for you? And now he is coming over?" Diana nodded. "Damn, he loves you."

"Don't say that, Jayma!" Diana whined. "We both moved on."

"You say that a lot. Are you trying to convince me or yourself?" Jayma asked and raised one of her eyebrows. 

"I'm with Ashton. Luke had his chance." Diana mumbled. She actually really liked Ashton and she wasn't going to let Luke ruin it. But she still knew that deep inside she still felt something for Luke. "I'll just tell him to leave when he gets here."

"No, let the poor boy in. It's pouring outside!" Jayma said and stood up, walking over and in to Diana's room. "I know you still care about him, Di. And I know - no matter how much you 'hate' him - that you don't want him standing out there in the rain, getting sick."

"I hate that you're always right." Diana mumbled and crossed her arms over her chest. "But if he tries something -"

"- Than I'll personally kick him out back to the rain, alright?" 


The two girls hear a knock on the door, just a few seconds later and Diana frooze while Jayma closed the door, too let the two of them talk. Diana took a deep breath before leaving her seat on the couch to open the door. Luke had to admitt, he was kind off nervous. He was trying to stay confident but the closer he got to the apartment building, the more nervous he got. So when Diana opened the front door, they ended up just stairing at each other for a moment.

Luke took a deep breath and gave her a smile. "Hey."

"Hi, Luke." Diana said, a small smile forming on her lips. She stepped aside and let him in before closing the door. She watched as Luke took of his leather jacket and his black shoes. She recognized the worn shoes and her min wandered back to when they were dating and Luke was always wearing the same black shoes.

They walked into the living room and sat down on the couch in a very awkward silence. Neither one of them really know what to start a conversation with. Luke cleared his throat and turned his body a little more so he now was sitting in front of Diana. "So, how are you?"

"I'm alright. What about you?" Diana answered.

"I'm good." He said. He was stairing at Diana now. She looked even more beautiful than she was two years ago and he still couldn't believe that he actually let her go. All he wanted was to get back with her now that she was back in his life. "So, are you going to talk to Ashton soon? Or I can talk to him if you want.."

 "Luke.." Diana sighed. "I'm not breaking up with Ashton."

"Why not? I love you, Didi. I was so stupid for not saying when I had the should have two years ago."

"Luke, I loved you. But you broke up with me. I don't - I'm with Ashton now, and you are just gonna have to learn to live that, Luke." She said and looked up at him.

"Diana, I know you still feel something for me. You may not love me right now, but I know that you feel something. You have to stop lying to youself."

"You don't know what I feel, Luke. You have no fücking idea of what I feel." Diana said, suddenly feeling a little angry. She stood up from the couch. "No fücking idea."

"No, baby. Wait, please." Luke said and stood up to grab her hand as she tried to walk away. She turned around and suddenly realising how close they were. "I just mean that we had something really special and I don't think that you are completly over me. I know you feel something."

"Luke, I -"

"No. Baby, I thought I was over you too. I thought I had moved on aswell. Fück, I even started dating Emmy because of you." He said and Diana frowned. "You wanna know why? Because she had something to do with you. She reminded me of you. I didn't realise this until I saw you again at the studio. And I know you feel something for me too. I saw it in your eyes when you looked at me. I love you, Diana. And I know that you are - or will be - feeling the same way. And I'm gonna prove it to you."

"How, Luke?" Diana questioned and crossed her arms over her chest. "How are you going to prove it? Because I can't think of any wa-"

"God damn it, Diana." Luke mumbled before placing his hands on her cheeks and bringing their lips together, just like he had wanting to do for so long now.

Diana was shocked and stood froozen for a moment, debating whether to do the right thing and push him of, or to do the bad thing and kiss him back. She decided to to the bad thing and a bad thing had never felt this good.

Luke was right with what he had said. Diana did feel something for him.


well well well (FINALLY)

I'm gonna do a character q&a yaaaaaaay SO ASK AWAY PLEASE








Malin (an that's me fyi bc why not)


QOTD: anyone ship jayma and cal get together or naaaah?

ANOTHER QOTD: does teenagers scare the living shít out of you?

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