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Diana had never felt so guilty in her whole life. 

When she woke up next to Ashton a few days later, seeing his innocent face while he was sleeping, she realised how much she hated herself for kissing Luke while she was dating Ashton. He didn't deserve to get cheated on. He was the most amazing, kind and loving person in the whole world and he was basically the last person on earth that would deserve to get cheated on.

Diana aslo had not been speaking to Luke for the past few days. After she reminded him that he broke her heart he started to apologize and reminding her that he loved her, and she had just choosen to ignore him for awhile. She was hoping that is she ignored the problem, it would hopfully go away soon (she had decided to try that, even thought she knew that the problem would just get bigger).

Luke was also feeling quite guilty for kissing his best friends girlfriend, but he couldn't help it. He loved Diana and she was after all his girlfriend at first, so Luke wasn't the only one that had done wrong. Luke really tried to make himself believe that what he did wasn't that wrong but deep down he know that what he did was worse than Ashton. Luke and Diana was after all broken up, but Luke still thought it was wrong of him to go after his best friends ex girlfriend.

Diana looked over at Ashton as he was still sleeping next to her. He looked so calm and beautiful.. Diana shook her head and decided to leave the bed before she got even more guilty. She left the room and made her way out to the living room and sat down on the couch. She threw a blanket over herself and brought her phone up. She had 43 new messages from Luke. She sighed and decided to open them.

luke: i'm sorry baby

luke: i love you didi

luke: i'm sorry for kissing you while you are with ashton but i have waited for so long and i just really miss you diana

luke: didi


luke: baby i love you please don't ignore me

luke: you know what? i think i'm gonna tell ashton about everything

luke: he deserves the truth and i know he probably will hate me but he deserves the truth

luke: i'm gonna tell him the next time i see him

luke: baby please don't ignore me

luke: fine i won't tell him

luke: he will probably hurt me

luke: i mean he has all these muscles

luke: diana

luke: baby i love you

Diana sighed and decided to stop reading, even thought there was a lot of messages left to read. She almost freaked out when she saw that he said he was going to tell Ashton. She knew that they had to tell him soon because Luke was right. Ashton did deserve to know about what happen. He was probably going to break up with her afterwards but he needed to know.

little one: i will tell him

little one: he's here riight now, i'll tell him when he wakes up

luke: are you sure? do you want me to come over??

little one: i think it's better if i just tell him alone

luke: alright. but i'll come over later today. just text me when he leaves

little one: you are saying it like you know he is going to break up with me

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