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"Hey." Luke said awkwardly and reached up to scratch the back of his neck with his right hand.

"What are you doing here?" Diana asked quickly, still feeling very suprised to see Luke at her best friends apartment. She had hoped that she wouldn't need to see him before she left. It would just be much harder for her to leave if she spoke to him. Luke always found his way to convince Diana whenever they spoke face to face, and Diana knew that very well from past experinaces.

She looked up at Luke and met his gaze. He looked so awkward standing there, scratching his neck. Him doing that was a sign that he felt either awkward or that he didn't know what to say. Sometimes it was a sign of both, which it was now.

Luke did feel awkward and he wished that he actually had figured out what to say before he went over to Jaymas apartment. When Jayma and Calum had told him about their plan to trick Diana in to talking to him, he was more than happy to agree. He knew that she would not speak to him otherwise, and all that he needed was to talk to her and try to change her mind.He knew that she loved him and he knew that he loved her, so he was gonna fight for this.

"Luke." Diana said and brought up a hand to wave a litte because his gaze had locked to her face for the past few seconds and she was starting to get uncomfortable. Luke shook his head and then looked away, a blush creeping on his cheeks. "Why are you here? I don't want to see you right now.."

"That is why I'm here, Didi." Luke said and sighed, stepping a little closer to her. "Jayma and Calum told me that they had a plan to get you to talk to me, and I had to agree because you wouldn't have talked to me otherwise. And that's why I'm here. To talk to you. To talk you out from leaving."

"Luke, I -" Diana tried.

"No, please. Just hear me out?" Luke begged and Diana agreed with a sigh and nod after a few seconds. "Diana, I understand that you are having mixed signales about all of this and that it is very confusing - because it really is - but please, don't run away from me. Talk to me about it instead. Tell me how you feel. We can work this out, I know that. But we won't be able to try if you leave. All I want is a second chance, Diana. A new start between us. I love you so much and I can't lose you. Not again. Letting you go back then was one of the most stupidest things I have ever done and I regrett it. So much. If you give me a second chance, I promise you that I will do so much better. I was just a stupid teen back then and I promise you that I will never ever hurt you like that again. Little one, please, stay with me. Because you are all I need."

Luke let out a shaky breath and looked up at Diana with a cheesy smile. "DId you really just quote Sam Smith, Luke?" Diana said and couldn't help but laugh.

"You love that dude almost more than me, so yes, I did quote Sam Smith." Luke said. "I remember how happy you were when you opened your christmas present from me with tickets to see him. And the day when we finally got to see him your were so excited that you could not be still. I swear, you moved some part of your body every second of that day." Luke smiled at the memory. That day was one of his favorite memories with Diana. She was so happy that day and that made Luke so happy. All he ever wanted was for her to be happy.

 "I can't believe you remember all of that." Diana mumbled and looked down at her feet.

"Of course I remember it! I have never ever seen you that happy. You were smiling through the whole day and you looked so beautiful. Remember the picture I took that you hated? The one when you were smiling like crazy and singing along to Like I Can?" Luke said and Diana nodded, still remembering how much she hated the photograph. "I still have that one saved on my computer and phone. You just looked too beautiful for me to delete it."

"Oh my God, Luke.." Diana said and couldn't stop her smile. She really loved that day and being there with someone she loved so much as she loved Luke, made the day completely unforgetable. She remembered it like it was yesterday. "That is probably one of the best days of my life. Definitely top five. Probably even top three."

"Yeah." Luke smiled and looked away for a moment before looking right in to Diana's eyes. The eyes that had made Diana week at her knees so many times and they still did. She loved Luke's eyes. They were in the most incredible color she had ever seen and she could just look at them for hours. "But seriously, Diana, i don't want you to leave. I need you."

"You are saying it like I'm leaving forever." Diana mumbled and scratched her arm.

"Are you? Leaving me?" Luke asked. "Because that's what it sounded like by your texts."

"I don't think I'm able to leave you. Not again." She whispered and shook her head. She looked up from her feet and met Luke's hopeful gaze. She had made a decicion. She was scared but she knew that she was choosing right some way.

"What are you saying?"

"I guess I'm not gonna leave tomorrow." She said. "I can't. I'll miss you way to much. These past days have been hell. But I think I needed a break from you to realize what I really want."

"And what is that? What is it that you want?"




liana is back again yay

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QOTD: If I showed up with a plane ticket. And a shiny diamond ring with your name on it. What would you do? (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)

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