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Diana was very annoyed with Christian. He was basically just sleeping in her house, eating her food and using her things. He usually was gone for most of the days and usually stayed out all night and then coming home in the early hours. Diana had no idea where he went off or what he was doing but as soon as he got back, all he did was callling her mean things and being a complete douche.

All she wanted was for him to leave her home and go back to Australia. It had been almost a week now and Diana was so tired of him. She hadn't been able to see Luke for almost a week. The only person she had been seeing was Jayma, and that wasn't a lot since she always were to busy with Calum. Diana missed Luke, she really did, but it was still nice with some space. It meant that she had time to process and think about everything.

Diana had been thinking about whether to get back with Luke or to end things for real with him ever since Luke had admitted that he loved her. Sure, Diana did love Luke, but she was scared of getting hurt again. She didn't want to go back to the state she was in before she moved to London. Everything had been awful for the first few months after Luke dumped her, but then she 'got over it' and tried to convince herself that he was just a boy and that she could do so much better.

Now she realized that there wasn't really anything better.

"Diana, do you even know why he is here?" Jayma asked as she sat down on Diana's bed. Jayma had decided to check up on her best friend since she hadn't really heard from her for a few days. Jayma knew about everything that had gone down between Diana and her brother and she knew that Christian was a douche. That's why they were hiding in Diana's room - and because they did not know when Christian was going to show up - and not sitting on the couch, which was their regular spot. "Have you like, even talked to him for the past few days?"

"Not really." Diana sighed and gave Jayma her drink as she sat down next to her on the bed. "I mena he's never home, and when he is he just ignores me or call me mean stuff. I think he hates me."

"He doesn't hate you, Didi. He is you brother after all." Jayma chuckled and leaned back againt the wall. Diana just shrugged, not really sure that what Jayma had said was true. He shouldn't hate her since she was his sister, but it sure seemed like he hated her. "Have you talked to Luke in a while? Last time I saw him - which was earlier today - he was so.. weird. Calum even yelled at him for being so annoyingly careless."

"What?" Diana frowned. "No, I havn't talked to him in a while.. I've been trying to figure thingd out. Like I don't know if I should get back with him or end things for real.."

"Didn't you say you love him..?" Jayma asked an raised an eyebrow as Diana nodded. "Then why are you having second thoughts? He loves you and you love him. There shouldn't be any second thoughts. There should only be happy faces."

"I know. I'm just sc-"

"Diana! Are you here?!" Christian's voice sounded through the apartment right before a door was slammed shut. "I need to talk to you!" Diana sighed not wanting to see her big brother right now.

She gave Jayma a look, telling her to stay there and be quiet, before she walked out of her room and found Christian sitting on one of the bar stools by the kitchen. His head turned to face Diana as he heard her stepps on the floor coming closer. Diana sat down on one of the stools in front of him and gave him a look to start talking.

"I just wanted to ask you something." Christian said and picked up his phone. He typed in something and clicked on a few things before he turned the screen to Diana. There was a picture of Diana and Luke that a paparazzi had taken when they were out on the date. She looked up at her brother, feeling very confused. "This is the reason I'm here."

"What? Because me and Luke went on a date?" She said, frowning.

"No. Not because you just went on a date, but because you are seeing him again!" Christian said and Diana's eyes widden at the sudden raising of his tone. "I can't believe you are seeing him again! He hurt you so bad and you just choose to get back with him?! Are you really that stupid?"

"Excuse me?" Diana said. "You have no right to tell me what I'm supposed to do! It's my life, Chris. You can't decide over me anymore. I'm an adult now, you know."

"He is only using you, Diana! Just like he were when you were dating before. He doesn't want you. Are you really that naïve?"

"He is not using me, Christian! Why are you so upset over this even?!  You basically hates me!" Diana said, raising her voice as well. She was done taking shït from her brother. So done.

"I don't hate you, Diana! I'm just being honest and trying to protect you from making stupid choises." Chris exclaimed and let out a groan. "Why don't you just understand that I'm trying to help you?! Luke is bad for you!"

"He is not!" She yelled and stood up. "You havn't even met him, Chris!"

"Maybe not, but I know his kind! All he cares about is getting laid and playing on his fücking guitar! You are just some stupid slüt, Diana! Can't you see I'm trying to protect you?!"

"Get out." Jayma said and walked up from behind Christian. He turned and faced her, looking very confused about seeing another girl in the apartment. 

"What?" He said and raised an eyebrow at her.

"You heard me." She said and crossed her arms over her chest. "Get. Out."

"Who even are you?!"

"I'm her fücking best friend and you are a complete ásshole so get the fück out before I call the cops. This is not you apartment and you aren't allowd to be here anymore. So get the fück out." Jayma hissed and walked closer to him.

Christian looked over at Diana for a second, before opening his mouth to say something but them closed it again and just got up and started packing his stuff. Diana silently thanked Jayma and gave her a small hug. Christian quickly packed up his bags and then walked over to the door to put on his shoes and just as he did, the door opened and Luke stumled in.

"Luke?" Diana said suprised and hugged him back as he walked over to her. "What are you doing here?"

"Jayma called and told me about everything that just happened." Luke whispered and kissed her on the top of her head.

Christian watched them with a sceptical eye and crossed his arms. "I hope that yo-"

"Just get out, Chris." Diana sighed and leaned closer in to Luke's side.

They watched as Christian made his way out and slammed the door shut before Luke brought Diana in in a tight hug. "Are you okay?"

"I am now that you are here."


(((idek tbh)))



IF NOT GO DO IT my tweetteer is: mal5sos


and idk if there will be an update tomorrow..

i have a swim competition tomorrow so i'm quite busy and i'l probably be very tired afterwards soooo we will see..

WISH ME LUCK bc i need it lol

and comment your twitters here so i can follow some of you back yay

QOTD: white and gold or blue and black?


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