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a/n: this miiiiiight contain some smut.. who knows ;)) 


Luke and Diana was having an amazing time spending the day in bed, watching movies and eating fast food that Luke had brought. After last nights resturante visit and all the paparazzis coming and basically ruining their night, Luke had gotten an idea to suprise Diana the day after.

Around half past eight o'clock this morning, Luke had called Diana waking her up and telling her that he had a suprise waiting for her outside her front door. After a few minutes of her being mad at him for waking her up before ten, she finally got up and went to open the door. Luke was standing outside with a cheesy smile and in his hands he had a Mc Donald's bag and a bag filled with all kinds of differents sorts of chocolate.

After she had told him that he was a 'fücking idiot' and that he needed to stop being so cheesy, she let him step inside and she took that bag of chocolate and then went back in to her room. Luke followed her and told her that he was doing this because he felt bad about the paparazzis ruining the date and even thought she had told him so many times that it was alright, he still felt guilty. He also told her that he did all of this because he loved her, which she only smiled and gave him a small kiss on the lip as an answer.

Luke knew that she wanted to take it slow and that she didn't want to throw herself in to something the might not would last - and he totally respected that, of course - but he also missed having her as his girlfriend and her telling him that she loved him.  He just wanted her to be his again. He missed being able to call her his.

Around noon the two teenagers had been watching three movies and had eaten up all the Mc Donald's breakfast Luke had brought. Diana - who was leaning in to Luke's chest - stretched out as the third movie ended and let out a loud yawn. Then she curled up in to a ball in to Luke's side. Luke just chuckled and brought his arms around her an pulled her tighter in to his chest. He leaned down and kissed her forehead before looking at her face, seeing that her eyes were now closed.

"Hey, baby, don't fall back to sleep." Luke said softly and shoke her a little to get her to open her eyes again. Diana sighed before sitting up and pouting at him. "Hey, don't look at me like that."

"Why not? It's you fault that I'm tired after all." She muttered and then moved over so she now was sitting with one leg on each side of Luke's body. "You are the one who woke me up early, so blame yourself for me being tired."

Luke just rolled his eyes  and placed his hands on his waist, before turning them around so he now was on top. "I don't mind thought. You look kinda hot in the morning, you know.." He leaned down to kiss her on the lips before making his way down to her neck, finding her sweet spot so he made her let out a shaky breath.

"Fück, Luke. Stop." She mumbled and placed her hands in his hair, pulling it slightly.

"I don't really think you actally want me to stop, baby. Do you?" He said and suck a bit more on the skin, putting his hand inside of her shirt. And he was right. She didn't want him to stop. For some reason, him touching her right now felt absolutly amazing and even thought she wanted to take things slow, she also really needed him right now.

Luke fiddled with the bottom of her shirt for some time while kissing her on every little exposed skin he could find on her neck. She let out a small moan and then sighed in frustration.

"For the fücks sake, Luke." She muttered before sitting up and taking of her shirt by herself since Luke didn't do it for her. She looked over at Luke and saw that he was slightly palming himself throught his sweats while biting his lips, his eyes scanning over her body. "Need some help, yeah?"

Luke's eyes widen as he realized what she actually was proposing to him and then nodded quickly. Diana pushed Luke down - after taking his shirt off - so he once again was lying down on the bed, while she went over him to kiss his lips and then make her way down to his crotch area. 

She brought her hands up to the wait band of his sweats and took them of fast. She then placed her hand over his dïck, palming him softly throught the thin material of his boxers. She looked up at Luke, who now basically was a moaning mess. He had missed her touch so much and now that she was touching him it was almost overwhelming for him.

"Baby, please. Do something." He said, sounding out of breath as she placed her lips right above the waist band of his boxers. "Please."

Diana chuckled - loving that she could make him feel like this - and pulled his boxers down his legs, making his erection spring free. She smirked as she placed her hand around the base of his cöck and slowly started moving her hand up and down. She looked up at Luke, who was basically dying to feel her mouth around his aching dïck.

"Please, baby." Luke moaned and grabbed on to the covers on the bed. 

And just as Diana was about to place his cöck in to her mouth, the door bell went off.

Luke groaned loudly and wished that Diana would choose to ignore it and that who ever it was would just go away. Diana did choose to ignore it, on the first ring. When the second came she groaned and got up from the bed.

"I'm sorry, Luke. Go take care of yourself in the bathroom or something. I own you a blow job after this." She said and put on her shirt again then leaning down to kiss his pouting lips. "I'm sorry baby."

Luke muttered something under his breath as Diana made her way out of the bedroom and to the front door. A thrid ring soundes and Diana rolled her eyes. Sh fixed her hair a little before opening the door. The smile she had on her face before disapeated as soon as she saw who it was.



well well well hello there again christian

((her big idiotic brother for u who don't remember))

((the one who doesn't like luke))

and some smut lol it's so awkward to write lol idek

QOTD: tell me a joke !!

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