Pride and Choices (1)

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After I had passed all my classes with flying colors I had fought girls twice my size and twice as smart and won. All three times. I left a proud mafia child with Adelynn and Austin on either side of me. I set my jaw and walked out with my head held high. I felt like I had to whole world in my reach and at the same time, Annabeth's offer made everything feel too far for reach. 

   "I think we need to celebrate!" Adelynn said once we were in one of three SUV's. Austin and I glared at her. I turn to Austin. 

   "What do you think, Austin? Do I want to go celebrate the fact that the woman who was supposed to take care of and protect me had me kidnapped and held against my will in a compound that broke my nose and had me shoot a gun and learn where to stab people?" I cross my arms over my chest as he pretend to think. He puts his thumb up to his chin and hums. 

   "No. No I don't think you do. I wouldn't want to either. Especially since she didn't let your bodyguards or her own know what was going on until during and after your were taken from our home." My head shoots over in Adelynn's direction. 

    "You didn't tell Austin and Mave what was happening before it happened? How could you worry them like that? Especially when they are the people you put in charge of protecting me?" Adelynn tightens her jaw and looks away from us. 

   "Oh yes, ignore the problem that your future mafia child has. That sounds like a great idea," Austin snidely says to her. I look between them in confusion. 

   "What happened between you two while I was gone?" I whisper to Austin. He looks at me before extending his arm behind my head rest and leaning into me. 

   "Adelynn knew how hard it was for me to be sent to that same camp and how much I despised what they put me through because of who my father was, and yet she still sent you and then forced me to work security detail today and make me go back, just to see the man who made my life actual Hell was your sponsor too. Her work undoubtedly." 

   "But Blythe said she just had to pick him because my original sponsor was scared of my new last name," I whisper back to him. Austin raises his eyebrows. 

   "Your original sponsor didn't even know Grayson's older brother. She is too young to have been working there ten years ago, when he went. Domonic knew that, and Adelynn paid Blythe extra money to give you to him. She knew his history and thought it best to give you a man that didn't have limits when it came to children as to bend your boundaries and see if you break," Austin said before setting his jaw. I look at him with big eyes before falling back into my seat to think about everything I just learned. 

   "So you're telling me that in the matter of a few weeks that I was away training my ass off for this mafia- Adelynn's mafia she was trying her hardest to find my weak spot and expose it to try to toughen me up?" I glare at the back of Adelynn's head. 

   "Pretty much," Austin says, popping his 'p'. 

   "Well I was offered something while I was there, by someone. I haven't made up my mind yet but... if I keep getting treating like a bargaining chip and like someone who is of no importance, then I might take the offer," I tell him quietly, without giving him much to go off of. Austin tightens his eyes and looks me over, trying to figure out what I am hiding. We turn and drive a few more feet before the cars stop. Adelynn turns around and looks at me. 

   "I am asking that you be on your best behavior, and if anyone asks you were away. In Africa helping to build schools and teaching their children how to speak English for the past few weeks," she looks stern and I raise an eyebrow at her. 

   "So I take it we're not meeting with people that know about your 'business' then?" I ask snarly before looking out of the window. We've pulled in front of an older building, something like a W.M.C.A., and the parking lot has cracks all over it. I look around and see about twenty to thirty cars parked around us, but only one person in sight. A bright red headed girl is up front pulling a drag from what looks like a skinny cigarette. I can't place my finger on it, but it looks familiar. I nod at her and look at Austin. 

   "Who is that?" I ask him as he looks her over and shakes his head at me. 

   "Nothing but trouble for you," he states in a protective tone. I roll my eyes at him. 

   "What's she smoking?" I ask him. He looks at me like I'm dumb for a second before replying to me inquisition. 

    "Marie Anne Slarke. Next in line to a long line of money, old money. Her great-great-great-great grandfather was one of the first American Immigrants and was the man who took all the credit for finding oil. And that, in her hand, is a joint made out of marijuana that her loving aunt- Adelynn sells her at twice price for guarantee of it being 'the good shit'," he says the last part in air quotes and I raise my eyebrows again. 

   "Adelynn gives her the same stuff everyone else does, but since her family has the money to spend, Adelynn takes advantage of that to make a large profit off of her and her cousins," Austin explains. I look at Adelynn who is applying her lip gloss in the visor mirror. She smiles at me and turns around towards us. 

   "And I'd do it again. Her family has the money to spend, and it helps cover costs when my dealers get picked up off the streets or don't fill their end of the deal. The ones who can't handle their part looks limbs until they're all gone and then have an even worse and grueling pain. It's how I keep my mafia running and the first on the American list. Which reminds me, Madelynn you will be marrying the Russian mafia daughter next spring." I sputter at her as she exists the SUV. I quickly get out and go after her to talk in an angry-quiet voice. 

   "I was told I didn't have to worry about marriage arrangements until after my 18th birthday, which is still months away," I told her, pissed off. She smirks at me and shrugs before going into the building and leaving me starring after her with my mouth open. That offer is looking more and more appealing every minute I am around Adelynn. 

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