Family and Food (2)

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As we walk into the building the red head winks at me and continues to smoke. I look around the building as we enter and start taking turns to get wherever everyone else is. This is the last place I thought Adelynn would ever be caught going into. I look over at her and decide I'll ask so I know why we're here. 

   "Who do you know here again?" I ask as I dig my hands into my front pockets of the worn jeans. I look like the way I looked when I lived with my dad and before I had money besides my leather jacket. 

   "My mother wasn't born into the mafia like my father and I were. My parents legitimately loved one another and my mother was willing to look past his family career. When they married they'd had me and my sister. My sister is two years younger than me and has decided to completely ignore what we were born into and I have had to bare the weight of my family legacy my whole life alone," Adelynn says looking ahead of her in a determined expression as we take another turn. 

   "Oh boo hoo you get to be a bad-ass female mafia leader and have more money than anyone could ever imagine," I say sarcastically. "That doesn't explain why we're here." 

   "My mothers family is unware of my father and now my lifestyle but they do know us girls because of our parents. We come to these things to keep up appearances and make sure we seem normal to them." 

   "I'm sure pulling up in three SUVs for two people and having four random people follow us everywhere is completely un-suspicious," I drone in a monotone voice. 

   "They know Austin as mine and Grayson's adopted son and think the other people are just friends we bring along. The guards even hold beers and pretend to be enjoying themselves while on high alert." 

   "Wait but if you and Grayson adopted Austin like you did with me, then he should be the next to run your mafia," I tell her putting the pieces together. 

   "We never legally adopted Austin because his father refused to sign over his rights and give Austin something better than what he had growing up with less pain." I nod in understanding. "Next week we're going to have all the top three mafias of each country in our house as guests to introduce you. This is usually done for newborns so you don't have to worry about violence. It's just the maifa's way of welcoming and recognizing the next in line of a large mafia." 

   "Does that mean that Domonic and Blythe's families will be staying with us too?" Adelynn nods. 

   "And all members of their direct family members. This is why I am happy my mansion is like seven, six bedroom four bathroom houses put together. My bills would be outrageous if the United States as a whole wasn't terrified of everyone who has ever lived in my house." 

   "Has it always been men leaders in your mafia?" I ask her before we stop in front of two doors. 

   "It's your mafia now too. And yes, I am the first female mafia leader in this mafia, but I am also the youngest female mafia leader ever, until you. You will be completely in charge of the mafia starting on your 18th birthday. I will continue to live there, but the master bedroom with be yours and I will move into one of the other rooms and always a call aware to help you with anything you might not understand." With that she turns to the door and opens them before walking through them with me to follow behind. Everyone goes quiet and looks at me. 

   A random man walks up to Adelynn and I before speaking to Adelynn. 

   "Is she Angies baby?" he asks in a higher baritone voice. He looks like a stiff wind could knock him over and he's all wrinkled, I'm guessing like 80 years old at least. Adelynn nods and motions me forward. He grins at me before grabbing one of my hands in both of his. 

   "I knew your mother all of her life. She was a lovely lady," he speaks of her as if she is dead. I give back a weak smile before straightening out and turning to Adelynn after he walks away. All previous chatter starts back up and I lower my voice. 

   "Why was that man talking about my mother as if she is dead? Last time I checked my mother is very much still alive, just never came out of her of my father's bedroom." I look over Adelynn's hard and emotionless face. 

   "We'll talk about it later. For now get some food and meet some new people. This is your family now too and any children you have or adopt will be introduced into this family before the mafia ever even hears of them. If we have nothing else, we always have family." I nod and go next to Austin in a corner near the food. He has a plate stacked high of random foods. 

   "She's keeping something from me again," I tell Austin and he raises an eyebrow before nodding. 

   "She's always going to have some secrets that no one else knows..... at least until you're the one running the mafia. Some of her secrets keep us alive, and others would get us killed if she hadn't told us. I will be your choice how to handle any secrets she might keep from you after you turn 18." I nod and think as my eyes scan the room. 

After eating so much I couldn't breath and meeting so many people the faces and names blurred together, we left. I fell asleep on the way home, but the stopping once we had arrived back home woke me up. I looked up at the house I hadn't seen in week and suddenly longed for an actual shower and to start smelling human again. I need to know what Adelynn is keeping from me first. I turn towards her and she meets my eyes before nodding. 

   "Austin, Dave, Kevin. Leave us to talk." The men nod and leave the vehicle. 

   "Spit it out," I ground between my teeth as the worst runs through my brain. 

   "The reason I could legally adopt you while you were at 'camp' is because... your parents died in a car accident." My heart stops and I feel like I can't breath as I search Adelynn's eyes to see if what she is saying is actually true. My heart breaks as I don't see a lie hiding behind her eyes. 

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