Party of The Decade (7)

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I had paced my room everyday as Austin told me over and over again how everything was scheduled to go so I wouldn't make a joke out of myself. Today was the day and I felt like I might pass out. I look at myself wrapped in a towel in front of my fogged bathroom mirror. I could hear the dozen workers setting up in my room to prep and pamper me before tonight. I don't know why six hours of preparation is needed, but I was woken up at six on a Saturday to do this. I'm just glad this is all happening during my schools spring break. After my 'visit to Africa' I had to go back with a pretty amazing long lasting spray tan and photo shopped pictures of myself in Africa. I sigh and push myself out of my bathroom and into my room, where women and men alike are all setting up my grand bedroom to look like a super models dressing room. I roll my eyes and go into my closet to put on a tank top and shorts before putting a robe on over that. 

Austin finally comes into my room as two women are helping me into my dress so it doesn't tear and I don't mess up the delicate mess of curls on my hair and the makeup that spent over an hour to complete. I sigh in discomfort as Austin looks me over with a grin. 

Madelynn's Hair and makeup \/\/\/\/\/\/\/

Madelynn's Hair and makeup \/\/\/\/\/\/\/

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"I look like a clown and my hair feels heavy," I complain to Austin as the women zip up my dress before grabbing the fancy silver shoes to go with my outfit

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"I look like a clown and my hair feels heavy," I complain to Austin as the women zip up my dress before grabbing the fancy silver shoes to go with my outfit. 

Madelynn's Shoes\/\/\/\/\/

I look down at my shoes with big eyes when I see the heels that I have never even attempted to walk in before

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I look down at my shoes with big eyes when I see the heels that I have never even attempted to walk in before. 

   "And now I am going to break snap my neck in the process," I grumble as the women but my freshly manicured toes into the heels and strap them on. I feel myself grow at least a good three inches and panic. Austin chuckles at my expression. 

   "Don't worry I'll be holding you up on your walk down the stairs. Adelynn will be right behind us with her second on her arm as well. It's tradition for the previous leader and second to follow behind the future leader and second on your coming of age party." I nod and relax in the feeling of expectation, Austin had already told me this at least forty times and I visibly relaxed at the information I already knew. Austin smiles and comes over to give me his arm to grab. I look at his tie and try not to gasp. His tie matches my dress. This means Austin is also one of the suitors trying for my hand tonight. I look at him with anger and he shrugs with a goofy grin. 

   "I am going to kill you. By doing this you are so crossing so many friend boundaries," I say and motion towards his tie." He continues to smiles and helps me to my door. 

   "Everyone is already here and waiting for when the announcer asks for their attention. Then we will step into a spotlight and start going down the stairs. After we've gone down six steps Adelynn will be introduce with her second and they will go down at the same pace we practiced. When we get to the bottom we will wait for Adelynn and then turn at the same time towards the crowd and bow in recognition before they do the same and the party will begin." I nod as I look at the door with my head held high. The women fuss over me for a few more seconds before we leave the room to great people I had never even met before. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen may I please introduce the future United States Top Mafia Leader, Ms. Madelynn Marie Sharpe and her second in command Mr. Austin Green Drice Cress." I smile as we start our walk down the stairs in the spotlight. I can't see anything but the blinding light but I keep my dazzling smile on and my head held high. Austin and I read out fifth step and the announcer speaks again. 

   "Ladies and Gentlemen the current United States Top Mafia Leader, Mrs. Adelynn Lynn Sharpe and her second Mr. Drew Augustine Trice the Third." Everyone claps as Adelynn and Drew start to come down the stairs after us. After exactly 32 steps Austin and I are at the bottom and turn to watch Adelynn and Drew finish their entrance. We all turn towards the crowd and bow before they return the action. So far everything is going according to plan. 

   Austin leads me to the middle of the grand ball room in the middle of the house and we sway to the beautiful live classical band playing on stage. Adelynn greats people she knows and I dance with Austin for everyone to see. All according to plan. The band plays six more songs before they stop and Adelynn goes on the stage. Austin and I walk to the front of the spectators and she smiles down at us lovingly. Adelynn opens her mouth to start speaking before a bullet it shot straight into her stomach. 

   My world stops as Austin pulls me into a bridal position and carries me out of the room. Everyone is screaming and running, but Austin carries me into a secret room with three bodyguards following close behind him. I look back at the still body of Adelynn surrounded by a pool of her own blood and I feel myself being overwhelmed with anger. Tonight was supposed to be my night and someone else decided to make it about politics. I lean into Austin and let him protect me as I feel the anger turn into sadness. 

   "I'll find out who did this to you," I whisper as a promise to Adelynn before the door closes and I am set down onto a couch in a dark room. 

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