Papers (3)

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I ran up to my room with Austin hot on my heels. I pace my bedroom after throwing my things on my bed. Austin comes in a few seconds later breathing hard and putting my large suitcase next to the door and looking at me confused with his hands on his knees. 

   "What.... is your... problem... now?" Austin gasps out while still breathing like he sprinted a mile. 

   "You know if you're going to be a security guard then you really should work out more," I snap at him. He gives me a sarcastic smile and sits on the floor with his back against the wall and his long legs spread out. 

   "You didn't answer my question," Austin says while calming his breathing down. 

   "Remember that offer I mentioned?" I say and turn towards him while looking at my feet. 

   "What about it? You didn't really tell me much about it," Austin shrugged and I looked at him with large and worried eyes. 

   "I don't know what I am going to do. I thought I knew before being showed a family that openly loves me as their own today. If I took this offer then I would be betraying Adelynn and everything she has worked so hard for, but if I don't.... a lot of people could get hurt or killed." I go over and slide down the wall next to Austin. "My life used to be so much easier. Even living in Hell was less stressful. Can I even go to college now?" I fold in on myself and put my head on my crossed arms that are lay flat on my folded knees. 

   "I don't know if I have the answers you need, Maddie. Do whatever you need to be happy. People die everyday in the mafia and there is no telling if her family will actually hate you if something were to happen to her. It's all your choice and I'll stand by you no matter what you do, but," he pulls something out of the front pocket of my suit case out and hands it to me. It's binder full of papers. I raise my eyebrow at him. 

   "What's this?" 

   "Everything you need to plan before taking over Adelynn's place in the mafia. You need to fill in the blanks and sign a few things. I read it over, you have no necessity to work for, under, or with Adelynn. Just think everything over and fill in what you need to," he sighs and gets up to leave before looking back at me. "Adelynn might seem nice and family like right now, Maddie. But at the end of the day.... Adelynn only cares about Adelynn and it's been like that since her true loved died before meeting Grayson." He cringes and leaves the room only to stand outside of it. I sigh and open the binder. 

*Inside the binder (you do not have to read this, the needed parts will be explained later. This will all be italicized, so you can scroll to the regular wording below if you wish.)*

I (your name) do here by pledge to do everything and take every step needed to protect and advance my mafia house. Under my house, I will have a second by the name of (name of someone you trust) and they will be informed to take over if I am not married and die while still running my mafia. I will not kill out of spite, I will follow treaties unless both parties sign to no longer follow those rules, and I will protect everyone in my mafia, even the men and women who are lowest on my totem pole. 

   I understand that while I will not kill out of spite that sometimes death is the only route for those who oppose me and will handle them accordingly in order to keep my mafia at the top of our countries list. My mafia will be diverse, welcoming to those who seek shelter, and build the profit it makes over the time I control it. I understand that this mafia is my family and I will protect it as such, including the people and the jobs. I will continue to keep my line of work as close to legal as possible in the public eye, but my illegal activities will be kept quiet. 

   I (your name) refuse to sell paraphernalia to minors and will sponsor services to keep kids off of the streets and away from drugs, even if that means opening my own home. I refuse to let my future children know of my business until one or all show signs of being a great leader, at which time I will willingly send them to the camp I attended. I will pay whatever costs necessary for my children to be the best they can in every aspect and will ensure they will not be influenced by illegal activities and will stay out of the news as to keep media attention off of this business. 

   While I do understand bribery is wrong, I will pay what is necessary for my child or someone under my mafias care to stay out of papers and jailing systems. I will have at least one (1) child of my own to pass my mafia house on to and will make them be at least 18 years of age before allowing them to take over my place. I understand this agreement and willing say that I have read all terms and conditions and agree to adding more of my own and understanding if previous mafia leaders add options for me to add at my choosing over time, 

   (your signature) 

   (selected second hand's signature) 

  (previous mafia leader signature) 

  (previous second hand's signature) 

I sigh and read over it multiple times. Could I really sign this if I plan to use Adelynn's trust against her to keep this mafia and Austin safe in the end? It doesn't seem fair to her for all of this to happen after everything she has built for herself. What will happen to the great people that work for this mafia that would follow Adelynn to the death? 

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