Puppy Love (11)

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It seems like at every turn I take in this mansion that Austin's family owns, Austin is there. I dodge behind yet another corner as I hear his voice coming from the other direction. I hold my breath as he passes without seeing me. I haven't been able to even be in the same room with him since last night. I couldn't bring myself to see the pain in his eyes. 

   "I think hiding from the man that saved you from death is kind of a weird way of gratitude," I hear an arrogant voice say behind me. I turn around to see a girl almost the exact same age as Austin and look at her confused. 

   "And you are?" I ask her as I see all the similarities between Austin and this girls features, but there was something different about her. 

   "That name is Danielle Gutierrez. My father is.. or was the brother of this mafias original Don. After my father died in a 'car accident' I was sent to live with my cousins as my mother was sent to an insane asylum. She must have been crazy. Kept talking about the mafia killing my father," Danielle says as she leans again the wall and looks bored. 

   "So what does that have to do with anything?" I ask her as I look her over. She gives me a smirk and gets off of the wall. 

   "My cousin and you are guests here now. It's my job to make sure everyone feels welcome for their stay until I am told they are to be permanent. And judging by your shoes and lack of makeup I'd say you're not staying around here long," she gives me a rude smirk and looks my over with distaste. 

   "No, I am not planning on staying. I have no idea why Austin even brought us here in the first place if he really never trusted his father's family. I am to marry Annabelle spring after next and unite two very strong mafias. Now, can you tell me why you're so nosy and annoying?" I ask her and sighs as I roll my neck and shoulders. 

   "Oh right. I am nosy because that's what makes sure all mafia secrets get to Annabeth before they can hurt her. Can't keep a mafia together if your commuters plan on selling your drugs for twice the profit or shooting one of the little kids to cause chaos. And the annoying part is just a perk in my line of work. Now it's my turn to ask the questions. Why aren't you marrying Austin since he is taking over soon?" I look at her sideways before grinning. 

   "No one told you? Really?" I chuckle at her lack of information on me. 

   "Told me what exactly?" she asks almost offended that she is out of the loop. 

   "I am a lesbian, sweetie. I'm not marrying Austin because he doesn't have the right... gender." 

   "So you'd date a trans person?" She asks curiously. I look at her funny. 

   "Of course, if she is now a girl I don't care who she was stuck as being. Accidents happen all the time, who's to say a soul isn't put into the wrong body at times?" I shrug and she looks at me weirdly. 

   "I've never had it explained to me like that before I guess. Well that's cool I guess," she says and starts to talk away from me. 

   "Why were you stalling me?" I ask her as I follow her movements with a turn of my body. She looks back at me and smiles. 

   "Because Austin wanted me to find you so you two could 'talk'." I curse under my breath as I turn around and see a sheepish Austin with his hands in his pockets. 

After storming away from Austin I run into my least favorite sibling in this mafia. Elyzabeth. I mentally groans and give her a tight fake smile. She gives one back before stopping me. 

   "Has Austin had the chance to talk to you yet?" she asks me before pulling her perfect name brand glasses onto her head and pursing her lips at me. If she wasn't such a brat she'd be really pretty. 

   "Nope. I do not wish to speak with your brother unless he is apologizing and then giving me the best day of my life as a make up. I have had a pretty crappy few weeks. I could just use a friend, not a love sick puppy." I shrug and walk off, continuing towards the garden in the backyard. 

I woke up in a bed I wasn't used to and smelling like scents that weren't mine. I sighed as I realized what was wrong; I missed home. I missed Adelynn, no matter how mad she actually made me. I groan and roll out of bed. I think I should run today. 

   Running has always felt.... normal for me. It was an escape for me. I need an escape once again. I put on a comfortable outfit and a pair of running shoes that Austin had put in my room sometime yesterday as some sort of peace offering. I sighed and stretched in the room before carefully and quietly going down the hallway and out the door. It was still early morning, but there were guards patrolling and I knew they'd see me before long. I started with a pace that I knew I could hold for a while but still feel the burn, and out my earbuds in my ears as I blasted Nirvana and Smashing Pumpkins in my ears. 

   I had been running for about fifteen minutes until someone came out and tackled me. I felt my air get knocked out of my lungs as my ears blasted "Bullet with Butterfly Wings" by Smashing Pumpkins. I groaned and tried to get up, but the person pushed me back down. I reached up and took one of my ear buds out to hear yelling and gun shots. I look up and see Annabeth is on top of my with Austin guarding us, gun ready to shoot. 

   "We need to get her out of here, now!" Annabeth yells and pulls me up before Austin nods and shoots a few times before following us with his back to us. 

Austin's cousin, Danielle (Danielle Rose Russell) \/\/\/\/\/\/\/

Austin's cousin, Danielle (Danielle Rose Russell) \/\/\/\/\/\/\/

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