You're Fired (13)

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I wake up in my bed, laying on top of Annabeth. I sigh and go close my eyes to go back to sleep before I feel her lightly playing with my hair. 

   "I could live like this forever," I tell her sleepily and she chuckles. 

   "I knew I'd make you fall for me eventually," she says playfully. I chuckle. 

    "Better tell Austin that I'm madly in love with you so he'll get over me and find his own 'true love'," I cackle and Annabeth joins me in my hysterical fit of laughter.

   We both calm down and breath normally as Annabeth continues to lightly play with my hair. 

   "Are you ready to go take back your mafia today?" she asks me quietly. I groan. 

   "But I'm so comfortable. Can't we kill Adelynn's second tomorrow?" I playfully whine. Annabeth lets out a hearty laugh as my antics. 

   "Hmmmmm.... I don't think so. We have a deadline," she says before we both burst out laughing like crazy people. 

   "That was a good one," I say between deep breaths. 

   "Thank you, thank you, I am here all week." Annabeth takes a deep breath before dropping her hands dramatically on the bed, either side of her. I huff before rolling out of bed. 

   "Fineeee. I'll take a shower and get ready to take back my birth right," I groan and pick up my feet as I walk towards the shower. Annabeth laughs before I hear the bed move and see her leave the room. I guess it would be weird to explain to Austin why his sister was leaving my room if she hadn't left. I shrug and go take a shower.

Time to literally take back what is mine. I look over at Austin and see him avoiding me. I look at his hands and see the tattoos on his long hands. I wonder if he's had those all the time I've known him or if he just got them when we came back. Or maybe it's neither, and he decided to get them to spite his father. Austin ignores me and I look as his sister comes down the stairs. 

   Annabeth smiles at me as she comes down and puts on her leather jacket. Her wet hair is up in a high ponytail and her bulky shirt tells me she's wearing the same bullet proof gear I am. Her leggings fit her perfectly and her high-tops are the same color as mine. 

   Annabeth kisses me on the cheek once she is next to me and I feel my cheeks glow into a bright red of embarrassment. She smiles at me before taking my hand in hers and looking at her crew we're taking over to my mansion. She nods at everyone and we all head out. I guess we're officially actually going to try for our marriage. I smile and sit next to Annabeth in the backseat as we hold hands and start the the long drive back to the place I call home now. 

As we pull onto my street with four cars full of Annab- Austin's men I suddenly feel a sense of sadness. This isn't just my house anymore, it's also the place where Adelynn died and I've let this monster have it for four days too many. I feel myself go numb with a tinge of anger and get out of the SUV with everyone else. I cock my guns and put them in my waist band before grabbing another out of the bags being passed around and cocking it back to be held in my hands, ready to be used. Time to show this piece of crap why Adelynn was so okay with giving me her mafia at the age of eighteen instead of twenty-one. I nod at Annabeth and we all walk the block to my house. 

We storm inside with no issue since everyone who worked under Adelynn legally works under me now, so they are loyal to me, and not the second. I storm up to his room, where he is still sleeping with both the original 'Scorpion' mafia siblings on either side of me. I kick the door in and look away from the sight in front of me. 

   There is naked women on top of the second who has not stopped her actions upon my entering. Austin rolls his eyes and shoves her off. 

   "What the Hell?!" the second and girl yell at the same time. I choke back a laugh of surprise to see the girl he was with was none other than the head cheerleader at my high-school. I guess a true man-lover finds even the trashiest of men to sleep with. 

   "Hello. I am here to relieve you of your position," I tell the man who Adelynn trusted with her life before I shoot him point blank between the eyes. His body falls against his headboard with a thud as the girl- Bethany- screams in horror. I look at her unblinking and unfazed as she continues to scream with his blood running down her face. 

   "What the Hell Madelynn?! Why would you do that?!" she asks dumbly. I look over at Annabeth with a 'is she serious right now?' look. 

   "My name is Madelynn Sharpe, and you're in my house without my permission, sleeping with a full grown man at seventeen years old, and I doubt your parents or friends know where you are. If you keep screaming and acting like some child who didn't know who she was getting in the sheets with- I will kill you," I tell her with an edge in my tone. She shuts her mouth and nods. So she did know who I was and who she was sleeping with. 

   "Her silence means she knows too much," Annabeth confirms my thoughts. I sigh and look at Bethany. 

   "It's a shame. I'm sure the police will have more than a difficult time making up a story for your death out of fear of my mafia," she looks at me confused before I shoot her in the same spot as the second and sigh. I turn around and take a wipe from one of the workers and wipe the blood off of my face. I look at him. 

   "Get a clean up crew in here for two bodies and tell everyone I will be making an announcement. 'Anyone who thinks they should challenge me will be added to the pile'," the man gulps and nods before quickly leaving the room. I look over at Austin, who looks lost. 

   "I don't know who you are anymore," he says quietly. I groan and laugh at the ceiling. 

   "No Austin, you never knew who I was to begin with," I shake my head in disappointment before leaving the room with Annabeth and her people following behind her. 

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