Lavender Cleansing

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This is more of a recipe than a spell, but I'm still including it in this book because cleansing is important.

Lavender is known for it's cleansing and calming properties, although cleansing bundles can be made with any herb as long as you have intention! And make sure the herb you are using is safe to burn!!

1. Take whole lavender (or sage) flowers, with the stems attached, and rinse them
2. Pat them until they are completely dry
3. Hang them upside down to dry them (or another way)
4. Once they are completely dried, take bunches of three or four (the more you add, the thicker your smoke-cleansing bundle will be) flowers and wrap them together with thread, but don't wrap the stems, only the flower part.
5. Once they're wrapped really tight, trim off the stems.
6. Leave to dry for another three days.
7. Light on fire, blow out the fire, and use the smoke to cleanse yourself, your space, and your tools. You can also use the cleansing chant from the last chapter if you want.

This can also be done with sage (not white please), rosemary, cedar, and other herbs that are safe to burn. You can also make bundles of pine, cinnamon, and dried orange slices for Yule.

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