Trent AA/Joe Gomez

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This is a long one guys 😭 -1276 words

"please Trent i don't want to!" Trent was begging me to come meet his teammates, like he had for the last 3 months. But every time I had refused, this time he was absolutely determined to get me to meet them. "Bee, come onnn!" My name's Beatrice but Trent likes to shorten it to Bee. "No I'm not going." He let me out of his grip and stood silent for a second.
I gave in, he was going to make me either way. He started screaming and jumping around the room like a little child. "Are we going then or are you just going to act like a child?" I said maybe a little too blunt. "okay, okay i'm coming!"

"what if they hate me?" there was no denying it, i was nervous. "They'll love you I promise!" Trent replies, one hand on the steering wheel. He grabbed onto my hand to try and calm down my nerves.
what if they don't like what i look like? what if they don't like my clothes? what if they try to break me and Trent up?
"stop panicking Bee!" i took a deep breath and tried not to be nervous, but i couldn't help it.

We walked up some stone steps and Trent knocked on a large, double oak door. A tall male opened the door "ayy trent you came!" they did their 'greetings hug' as trent likes to call it. "I only came because this one agreed to it." he said, pointing to me. "Oh hi, I'm Joe nice to meet you" oh yup, heard that name before. "Beatrice." We shook hands, then went inside. It was like a bar in here, loud music, strong scent of alcohol, and tons of people dancing. "wow." I said. "Don't worry, this doesn't happen very often. We're celebrating!" Joe exclaimed. "Celebrating what?" I was just as confused as my boyfriend. Joe whispered something to Trent, they both laughed and Joe walked off. "what was that about?" i asked, still wanting to know what they were 'celebrating'. "oh, nothing love"

"Trent, over here!" someone else called from across the room. he dragged me over to a table with lots of men. "Beatrice, this is Andy, Virgil, Mo, Ox, Jordan, and you already met Joe." Wow, this is a lot of people. They all said a collection of 'hi' or 'hey'. Trent and I got a seat each and sat down with them. "Beatrice would you like a drink?" Trent had already replied for me, "she doesn't dri-." I cut him off by saying, "yeah actually i'll have a couple shots of vodka please." He nodded and walked off to get the drinks.

Joe came back just minutes later with drinks for everyone. "i thought you didn't drink?" Trent asked. "Tonight's a special occasion Trent" i said, taking a shot. He rolled his eyes at me and took a sip of his drink. I finished my last shot, 8/8. "I'm going to the bathroom, I won't be a second." I said.  Trent nodded in approval.

In the bathroom I fixed up my makeup and pulledmy dress down a little, making sure looked clean. The door swung open and a tall male walked in. He was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, with his hair combed back. I didn't recognise him.

A man in the womens bathroom. Maybe it was a mistake? But then he started walking at a fast pace towrds me. He grabbed me by the throat and pushed me up against the wall. "Get off me!" I screamed, wanting someone to hear. He started kissing my neck and downwards, then putting his hand slowly up my thigh. "Get off!!" I tried to grab his hand, but he had a strong grip, i was too weak. "shut up, slut!" he covered my mouth with his hand so that I couldn't scream any more.

God help me.

Joe's POV:

Trent was up at the bar, taking multiple shots and drinking lots. I was starting to worry where Beatrice was, she was in the bathroom for almost 20 minutes now. Trent wasn't moving anytime soon, and he was definitely hammered by now. So i decided to look myself. I double checked the dance floor in case she was dancing and we didn't see. Then I walked towards the bathroom.

"What the fuck?!" I shouted out as i swung the door open, the hinges almost breaking off. Beatrice whipped her head towards me, her mascara stained eyes pleading for help. I didn't recognise the man, he obviously snuck in at some point. He had his hand over her mouth and the other on her leg. Before I could waste any more time, i went towards them and grabbed the guy off of her. I wrestled him to the ground. My fist went to his face, his nose now bloody. "Beatrice go!" she was just stood staring in shock. When I told her to go, she grabbed her purse and ran out of the bathroom. I continued to beat the guy until he was all bloody and bruised, then grabbed him by the collar and made sure he was long gone.

Beatrice's POV:

I grabbed my purse and ran out of the bathroom, not looking back. I saw Trent at the bar drinking a cup of something. I wiped my eyes and made sure I looked normal before going back to him, I didn't want to ruin his night. "heyyy" he slurred and grabbed my waist. I pushed him off, having flashbacks from what happened just moments ago. He gave me a weird look, a mix of anger and confusion. The alcohol took over. "Don't push me away!" He was acting like a child again. "Okay, I'm sorry I won't do it again." I knew what he was like when he was drunk, you had to obey everything or he would get extremely angry. "I want to go home." I demanded. "We are not going home!" He again took control. I walked off outside to call a taxi.

"Hey." a recognisable voice said beside me. "Hi Joe" I gave a small smile. "who are you calling?" small talk. "Taxi, Trent won't take me home." I didn't care what I said to him from what he just saw. "I can take you home if you would like?" Joe offered. "Oh you don't have to" But he insisted "No, come on I'll take you."

The car ride was silent, I watched the night sky twinkle with scattered diamonds. It was peaceful for once. "Are you okay?" No.
"perfect." i lied. I let him take my hand in his and sit like that for a while. I took it away, imagining what Trent would think. I continued staring out the window at the sky, watching everything float by.

Then the rain came. A sudden flash of lightning, then thunder, and then the rain, pouring down in heavy droplets. We made it to my house, and had to jog inside to try not to get wet. I offered a drink, which he gladly accepted. We sat on the couch, chatting about everything.

"Well you did make a nice first impression tonight." He stared straight into my eyes, almost burning through them. I felt our faces inching closer until our lips touched just slightly. I pushed forward, missing touch. He moved his arms around my waist as our lips danced together.

"Bee?!" There was only one person that called me that. We both immediatly pulled away and turned to the figure standing in the doorway.

"Trent I.."

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