III || Aftermath

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If someone is to ask Lena, she'll say that there isn't a perceptible change in Caelus' readable expression.

She tells that he's bothered, however, from the constant shift in the surrounding atmosphere. The wind blows coldly, eerily, even as his eyes are still blank.

Lena isn't sure if she is supposed to react as they process the information received from Clarice. But from the looks on Neesha, Clarice, and Nova, she assumes that something like this doesn't exactly happen every other day. Speaking of which, she hasn't actually come to understand the event that recently transpired.

What exactly are they talking about? Come to think of it, why is she of all people here to begin with?

Caelus once told her that sometimes, it's better to be ignorant. It was an insult, and yet he is right on many levels. Lena doesn't have a clue as to what's going on, but ultimately finds herself involving anyway.

When both Caelus and Nova suddenly broke into a sprint heading toward the Academy building, Lena thought they had something to settle for themselves, and didn't bother even though she was extremely curious. She wouldn't have caught up anyhow, but she'd thought them being weird. Only when Neesha and Clarice arrived with two professors did Lena discover that there's more to it than meets the eye.

Neesha's terrified eyes had gave Lena a pause, and the latter decided to follow her friend out of concern. Although Neesha didn't mention anything, the grave look in her eyes and the trembling of her hands told Lena that something had happened.

"Where are the professors?" Caelus asks when no one dares speak up.

"Clarice and I intercepted their meeting," explains Neesha, "and they have since used their abilities in determining the identities of the intruders."

"They're slow," Caelus comments heartlessly. He meets Neesha's gaze properly. "But Neesha, you ran into them, didn't you?"

It doesn't take Caelus long to figure it out. Once he's said it, it all makes sense: Neesha found the enemy first. Otherwise, she wouldn't have went to the professors for no reason at all. They  must have came across Roen too, either before or after running into the intruders, because she'd asked Caelus about him. They somehow got away from the enemy, and tried to get the professors to help. But before they could, the intruders left, taking Roen and Sumiye
—who somehow found themselves involved—with them. They were too late.

Neesha's usual fierce composure falters as she breaks her eye contact with Caelus by looking to the ground. She begins to say something, only to hesitate. If Lena isn't friends with Neesha, she might misunderstand that she is afraid of Caelus. If that's the case, it means Neesha fears for something else, something she is reluctant to admit.

Before she can speak, though, Caelus admits, "I don't know how you managed to get away, but I'm glad that you're safe." He sighs. "Can't day the same for Roen, unfortunately."

There are still many things left unanswered, but seeing Neesha as she is now, Caelus believes that even if she talks, she might leave out some major details. In fact, he suspects she might be able to recall some of their features for their investigation in the future.

"It's not like they were seeking a fight," Neesha says.

This catches Caelus who is making his way toward the school buildings by surprise, and he stops entirely. "Then they must have a particular goal, coming in here like that." He turns to face Neesha again. "Did you happen to encounter them with Roen?"

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