XL || Seniors

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Combat Training is the only lesson the three classes in the year has combined.

It is that one class most students eager to show-off enjoy the most, even more than Weaponry or Ability Mastery. This is because it is the combination of both, and the fact that Professor Larkin Burgundy allows the students full autonomy on their own capabilities.

The way it works is usually a fight until one drops, or until one no longer can fight.

Here they are now, the second-years lining up according to their three respective classes—Aquila, Corvus, Draco—on the field that stretches to infinity, facing the professor.

"What shall I have you do today?" Professor Burgundy murmurs in deep thought, more to himself than to his students waiting expectantly. "Should I put you in groups? In pairs? Group you into ability types, then have you go against one another? A one on five"—a meaningful look toward Arven, one of the strongest here, who scowls—"or, perhaps..." —the aged instructor taps his jaw contemplatively this time, looking skyward—"put you against someone you will never win against?"

The crowd silences. Whispers of uncertainty roll across the field, cresting amongst the wave of students. Professor Burgundy continues to survey them with an amused expression. Lena realises then that their teacher already has an answer—he is just putting his options out there for them to consider as he builds up the reveal for today.

But then an answering call behind him declares, "He means to put you against me."

The professor doesn't turn toward the white patio overlooking the courtyard of the field Combat Training is being held, where it meets the Academy building and the fifth dimensional field. Where a lone student now stands, who then proceeds to slowly descend the steps with killing grace.

Lena sucks in a breath as the student's boots crunch the artificial grass, the sleek Japanese sword in its sheath across a casual shoulder.

Even as Azalea addresses the entire group of three classes combined, her beautiful deep blue eyes find Lena's in the crowd as a smirk forms on her playful lips. In a swift motion, she swings the tip of her blade toward the group of students. "I'll be your opponent for this lesson today."

While the shock is still settling between the students, another voice says, "Don't just make this about you, Az. I'm called too, remember?"

Azalea rolls her eyes, not turning to acknowledge the boy that steps up to her side—a redhead with an eyepatch around his left eye. His mischievous grin sends some of the girls giggling.

Waiting for the three classes to take in the two new arrivals, Professor Burgundy at last turns to acknowledge them. "Today, I have arranged for you to have a different sort of experience with your respected seniors. Please welcome Azalea and Leviathan."

Azalea scowls with the bad temper she has, but Leviathan does a mock bow to the class, addressing them. "Nice to meet you."

"How are we doing this?" Clarice dares ask for all of them.

Professor Burgundy explains, "I will be splitting you into two groups. Azalea and Leviathan will take one each—and they will spar with you. One by one and one on one, you get to have a chance to have an unofficial duel with your two seniors here. I will rotate the groups, so you will have two opportunities, one for Azalea and the other for Leviathan, by the end of the lesson. We use a random generator to determine the sequence. Any questions?"

Lena doesn't bother to ask why the professor seems so confident in expecting not one but two duels out of every individual of three classes combined within the short two-hour period. There can only be one reason, and it's because the two seniors present today are far more skilled than they are that Lena suspects it will be over in a heartbeat for most of them here. They might even have time for re-evaluations after their poor performance.

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