XXIV || Gambit

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"You seem to have something on your mind," Reyes points out to Celeste, as they proceed to the direction Thanatos instructed, with the guidance of Jay's clear mapping.

After the encounter with Thanatos, no one made much of any comment, or further speak of it. Jay had attempted some dry humour, because he simply talks a lot and likes to be overly dramatic—Celeste cannot imagine dealing with him in person—but she feels that even he is rather shaken up and merely doing them a favour by lighting up the mood, especially when he as a telepath was obscured over the head by the master of all minds himself, Thanatos. The name brings chills now, down her bones. Caelus once mentioned briefly about how Thanatos was the one S-Class he's never associated much with, and Celeste now understands why. Mind controllers are the worst of enemies.

North-east of this network, Thanatos has said. While they have their initial doubts, it's either them against a network of complicated underground patchworks and the potential confrontation with the Shadow Syndicate, or an accredited member of the S-Class. There isn't much debate there.

And seeing that they haven't come into any issues so far—with Jay's navigation uninterrupted, too—it's likely what Thanatos said to be true.

"Well, let's see," Celeste replies, her words dripping sarcasm, "we're in an unknown, quarantined area, with no clue about this mysterious group who's kidnapped our fellow friends that we're supposed to rescue from right under the imminent collision of two powerful forces. Does that not bother you at all?"

"This certainly makes a good stor—"

"You aren't supposed to utter a word about this whole thing, much less mention it in some school article," Everett reminds Reyes. "You know that, don't you?"

Reyes throws his hands up. "Argh, if only I can project this entire expedition. By the way, new girl, how exactly does your ability work again?"

He then proceeds to annoy Lena with many questions that the poor girl can't keep up with, even attempting to copy her abilities to use it for himself.

"I'm not even sure yet!" Lena protests, trying to hide her glass shards from Reyes' prying hands.

It may all seem like mindless chatter, but Everett isn't so easily fooled by Celeste's attempt to casually allow the change of topic—with much help from Reyes' own tendencies to be distracted himself. So he looks to the upperclassmen now, catching her fleeting smile from the conversation, which quickly turns into anxiousness through those bright, summer green eyes.

Everett proceeds with caution, catching up to Celeste. The two up ahead are bickering now, but otherwise obviously locked in their own fight. He is sure Jay can overhear anything, but it doesn't matter so long as this guy behind all their telepathy doesn't interrupt.

He begins, "Celeste."

She barely casts him a sideway glance. "What is it?"

"You're thinking of something," he paraphrases.

"Thank you, Everett, but I do not need your concern."

"Surely having two minds at it will lift the burden. Talk to me."

Celeste isn't sure if it's his gentle voice, or the fact that he came over because he's seen right through her that she starts talking and not push him away. "I'm starting to think this is beyond us. Why would Arcana even send us here?"

Everett is silent for a while, before he admits, "I'm afraid, too. And I bet Reyes, behind that playful mask of his, is too. We're all afraid, Celeste. But that doesn't mean we can be anything less than who we are, and all the better for us to be why Arcana chose us and no one else."

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