Chapter Two - The Knight of Hell

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Cas (POV)

"We can't do this anymore!"

"Why not?"

"Because it's wrong. It's against everything i believe in!"


"SO?! So i don't want to do this anymore!" 

"Tut tut tut, you're forgetting that i can't leave Father. You are the one that summoned me remember!" 

"You keep saying that but i have no recollection of it!" I scream, stomping my foot and crouching on the floor, holding my head in my hands


I groan as i sit up in bed, hitting my alarm clock and rubbing my head slightly to relieve the migrane that had sprung up over night. I had been having more and more of these dreams every day for the past week so I had decided to call up a doctor so i could get some help. I needed to tell someone.

Today was my day off from church and I had my deacon do any jobs within the church today so i could go visit the doctors. It was half ten in the morning and my appointment was at twelve which didn't actually leave me much time to get everything done. 

I had had a shower the night before so i only needed to shave and put some deodrant and after-shave on, as well as clothes of course. I walk out of my small apartment and out onto the street where i begin walking towards the doctor's, worried about what i'll hear. Maybe i'm crazy, who knows? 

About half an hour later i arrive at the doctors and enter, telling the receptionist that i have a psychiatrist apointment here. She tells me to take a seat until the doctor comes out and calls my name so i do and pick up a magazine to read.

"Father? Oh my, Father Castiel, what in heavens name are you doing here?" A woman from the church comes up and sits beside me, making me put down my magazine and turn to face her.

"Oh, i've been having a few nightmares." I tell her simply. I knew what she was going to say next... i didn't even need to listen.

"Well you could always pray them away."

"I don't think that is going to work this time Ms Gee, i've had these dreams since i was a child and i think its about time i seek some professional help." She looks at me in confusion as if i was just speaking in a different language before she turned around and iked up a magazine. Well, things just got awkward.

"Father Castiel, the doctor will see you now." The receptionist says and i smile gratefully at her and hurry into the office. I look at the doctor and silently groan as i see its Doctor Mansbridge, also another attendent of the church. Could i not get away from these people for one damn second?

"Oh hello Father, please sit down."

"Urm, i think i made a mistake." I say, backing away towards the door but he stands up and smiles.

"As you say in confession, i won't judge you. I've heard you've been having bad dreams. Look, it doesn't matter what they are just as long as we can find a way to stop them." Doctor Mansbridge says kindly and i take a deep breath in and go and sit on the sofa that is in front of his desk.

"If you prefer to lie down, you can." He tells me.

"Oh, no thank you. That's a bit to cliche for me." I joke and he lets out a hearty laugh but nods his head all the same, letting me sit down before walking around his desk and sitting on his own chair.

"Okay, so why don't we start with when you begun having the dreams and then we can talk about what the dream entails." He says, putting on his glasses and opening up his diary, preparing to write down notes. 

Forgive me Father, for I have sinned || Destiel - Demon!Dean & Priest!CastielWhere stories live. Discover now