Chapter Thirty-Three - New Beginnings

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A/N: oops, sorry for not updating in ages

Dean (POV)

Cas wouldn't ever be back to his old self again. He was different now but he was still Castiel. He was still the priest that I had come to know so well. He was confused and lost, all he needed was a bit of a direction.

I could have easily made him into something so violent and vicious because he was like a blank slate. But then he wouldn't be my Cas anymore. He wouldn't be my priest anymore. He would just be the anti-Christ who would learn to hate and rampage and what fun would that be?

I instead told him it was okay to be human, even if he had the power of an angel or demon. He didn't have to use that power for good or for evil. He didn't have to use it at all. He could start his life up again, he could go anywhere he wanted and live life how he wanted to live it.

There was just one thing he had to do first.

"Look, we need the four rings of the horsemen to put lucifer back in his cage where he belongs. We will have to speak to death." I tell the strange group. An angel, a human, the King of hell and the antichrist and then me... A demon. We were a weird bunch that all had a common goal.

"Death?" Cas huffed slightly. "How many not-natural things are they in this world?"

"A hell of a lot more then just angels and Demons. You got ghosts, ghouls, werewolves, vampires-"

"That is as a rhetorical question Sam, please shut up." Cas groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose while o grin a crooked grin. "So we have to speak to death himself?"

"Yeah, it's not that bad though, just get him some pizza and a slurpie and he'll be fine."

"Pizza and a slurpie?" Cas asks, cocking his head to the side slightly while I snort and shrug my head.

"Yeah, he loves pizza. His favourite pizza place isn't to far from here so all we have to do is do a summoning spell and have pizza ready. We should do it now while lucifer is MIA."

We all agree to head off that evening. I pack up my blade and the things for the spell while the rest wait in anticipation for what seemed to be dejavu all over again. Me and Sam had already been through this crap before, it was annoying that we had to do it again. However this time we had a surprise on our hands.

Lucifer had no idea that Cas had turned from him. I however found it strange that he made no contact with him since Cas failed to kill me. But that didn't matter, as long as he gave the priest enough space until Cas called out to him to trap him in the cage.

"It's closed." Cas mutters when we finally get to the pizza place. I grin and walk over the door, turning the handle before pushing the door off its hinges.

"I don't think that's such a problem." I tell him and he rolls his eyes and walks into the pizza restaurant.

"So what now; we start making some pizza?"

"My time to shine." Crowley cuts us off and walks into the kitchen while me, Cas, Gabriel and Sam raise our eyebrows and watch him go.

"Right. Well then." I say through the silence and walk towards one of the tables. "Let's get started shall we?"

I take out all the things that I needed to summon death and lay them out on the table. I crunch a few herbs and stuff into the old bowl and speak out a small spell to begin the magic. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Cas watching me from the shadow of the corner.

I glance over at him and he runs a hand through his hair before standing up straight and walking over to me. My heart thudded rapidly in my chest and a gasped inwardly as he stood right in front of my, our chests touching as I
Looked into his blue eyes. My mouth had gone dry as my hands travelled down to his waist and rested on the strip of skin between his shirt and trouser line.

Forgive me Father, for I have sinned || Destiel - Demon!Dean & Priest!CastielWhere stories live. Discover now