Chapter Five - First Introductions

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A/N: Oh god, i realised that last chapter i literally put the same thing twice and i'm so embarassed! But lets ignore that and move on so i can stop blushing (and not in a good way) about my fatal mistake.

Cas (POV)

I had decided to do what the doctor suggested and visit my old church which i used to go to when i was younger. It had actually been abandoned now but i had gotten permission off of the city council to look around it seen as i was a Father of my own church a few towns over. I had to get on a few buses just to get to the old church but thankfully the bus stopped right outside the abandoned building meaning that i didn't have to walk far to get to my destination.

I look from the bus stop up to the old, decaying church which seemed to have a dark cloud hovering over it, casting shadows over the graves and along the cracked walls. I held the key to the gates and church in my hand and took in a deep breath before opening the long and pushing the gates open. As they opened, they made an awful grating sound, enough to wake the dead which wasn't a good idea seen as i was literally walking into a graveyard.

I shut the gates behind me slowly and start walking up the jagged dirty pathway towards the large and looming church. It's bricks were dark and the windows had been smashed by some hooligans a long time ago while no one had bothered coming to fix it back up. The door was hanging off it's hinges and the spire looked like it was ready to fall off any second. The dark cloud above the church which seemed to stick there sent darker shadows over everything and made it look like things were hidden behind every window and broken door.

I walk up the cold stone steps towards the door, my shoes which were tapping against the stone almost sounded as if they were echoing around the whole gated area of the church and the graveyard which really creeped me out as it sounded like some unknown being was following my every move. I didn't need the key to the door as it was already busted open so i just pulled at it and slipped through the crack and into the abandoned church.

I walk through the archway and down the aisle, looking around at the familiar but broken stained glass windows and busted church benches that were still all lined up row after row as they were all nailed to the floor. The once bright red carpet was now a sickly pale colour and had patches of piss, mud and blood over it; where the blood came from i had no idea. I grimace at the sight and stop once i reach the alter, gulping slightly once i see the door.

The door that i had gone through as a child and seen the most horrific thing. I had seen a priest summon a demon in that very room and i wasn't even sure that i wanted to enter. That priest had seen me, he had seen me watching what he was doing and every sunday when mother made me come to church, i had always been so terrified that he would made me stay after church and once everyone was gone, feed me to the demon.

I never did find out what happened to the priest but every sunday he would seem to be getting more pale and gaunt until one day he didn't come to work and that was the day that the church shut down for good.

Before i knew it, my steps were taking me foreward and soon enough my hand was on the door handle. Surprisingly my hand was steady and my heart beat wasn't beating as rapidly as i expected it would when i entered this room. Slowly i turned the door handle and pushed at it. I had to push quite hard as the door was pretty stuck because it probably hadn't been opened in years and years.

The door groaned open and revealed the dimly lit room which was normally used for private prayer or exorcisms if priests were qualified to do that. Some where but i never really had the guts to train for it. I walk into the dusty room and look around but the room is completely empty apart from a chair in the middle of a pentagram. The chair had chains attached to it and i wondered what in gods name what or who it was meant for.

Forgive me Father, for I have sinned || Destiel - Demon!Dean & Priest!CastielWhere stories live. Discover now