Chapter One - Confessions

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Cas (POV) *Warning: Casterbation (this is a thing now as i've read it in other fanfics ;) )

*Warning: Depression*

"START YOU STUPID JUNK!" I shout loudly, banging on the steering wheel of my old banger car which was spluttering as i tried to turn the key in the ignition. I groan and slam my head on the steering wheel, fed up with the whole thing. I sigh and get out of the car, slamming the door shut angrily and take a deep breath in and out, closing my eyes. 

"C'mon Cas, you can do this. Just calm down, you know what happens when you get to angry. Repress your anger and it will go away." I breath in deeply and open my eyes to the bright day, smiling. "That's it!" I start walking towards church, knowing that i'll never get the car working, whistling to myself as i went. 

It took half an hour to finally get there and by the time i did, there were people already queing up outside the church, waiting for me to do confessions.

"Good morning Father Castiel." They greeted in turn, i smile and nod in their direction, greeting them back as i walk into the church and into my office where i get into my robes and smooth out my hair. It didn't work, unfortunately my hair was unattainable. I sigh and walk out into the church and into the booth where i would be listening to peoples sins and telling them that with the right amount of prayer and faith, they would be forgiven. I didn't know if it was true, how could i? But it's what they wanted to hear and it's what the bible said was true so that's what i had to do. 

I sat in the booth and person after person walked into the booth beside it and rambeled on about their sins. There were theives, adulters, homosexuals, money lovers, people with too much love, people with too much hate and more. It was the same every damn week. Perhaps not always the same people but the same problems, you think people would learn. 

Also, i didn't exactly know what they wanted me to do about it. Pray for them? Of course i would but then what? They had to sort their own lives out, it wasn't up to me and anyone who thought otherwise were very very wrong. 

"Father?" I snap out of it when someone comes into the booth and i recognise the voice straight away. 

"Hello child of God, i am listening." I say in part of routine. It was Dorothy who came into church every sunday and every other special day in which the church was open. She was a sly old devil, but she made my day. 

"I did it again."

"What is that my dear?" I knew exactly what it was. You see, Dorothy had a thing for younger men even though she had a husband. She came every confession day telling me that she had slept with yet another man and cheated on her husband.

"It was a nice portugese man. His accent was lovely." She rambeled on and i pinched the bridge of my nose and shook my head while listen to her rambling on about his body. She was 67 years old and how she got all these men i had no idea. "I'm beginning to think Frank knows about them."

"Well, maybe you should look into your heart and find what God would want you to do. He wouldn't want to cheat on your husband with these other men as i say every week." I couldn't say her name as it was meant to be anonymous but i would recognise her voice from anywhere. 

"I know but-"

"You can't keep doing this to him. It is not kind or just." I tell her and i hear her mumble out something that is muffles by the thin wall between us. 

"Yes father, i won't do it again father." She is going to do it again, it was now in her nature. I didn't know what she was going to get out of coming here every week and admitting it. Maybe admitting it to a father of a church helps it become okay for her to do these things, but like i said before; it's not like i can actually do anything to stop them from happening. I'm here to listen and to pray for them, not to actually go out of my way and help them which i found quite ridiculous. Why couldn't i go and help them? Anonomosity. That's why. 

Forgive me Father, for I have sinned || Destiel - Demon!Dean & Priest!CastielWhere stories live. Discover now