Chapter Three - AngelFace

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Cas (POV)

I walk down the dark looming alley that i had been in only days before. Someone was strange about this alleyway, something wasn't right. There was a smell so foul here but that could be from the dead rats that littered the floor or the flea infested cats feating on them. I look up and down the alleyway, thinking about the eyes that i had seen and wondering who could have possibly held such a beautiful gaze. 

It was definitely something out of the ordinary. The few moments with Carla was only one of the mishaps that has been happening in my life since then. There were other strange happenings going on in my life since that night and it had all started here.

First, i had been in my church when the lights had started flickering on and off. I had backed away into one of the statues in the church and the damn thing nearly fell on me. I had closed my eyes as i fell to the floor, waiting for the impact of the statue to hit my body but when i heard the crash and felt no pain, i opened my eyes again to find that i was on the other side of the church, completely away from the statue that now lay in millions of small pieces on the ground. 

Second, i had been cooking in my apartment and running a bath at the same time. I had no idea why i did this but my brain was so preoccupied with trying to figure out what had happened in church that i had completely forgotten about pizza that was in the oven while i was in the bath. I smelled burning and smoke was coming through the crack of the door. With a gasp i had rushed out into the kitchen completely naked and wet to find my stove on fire.

I had screamed as i rushed to the hallway, which thankfully no one was in to grab the fire extinguisher and rushed back into the apartment only to find that the stove was completely fine, the pizza inside was still cooking at a normal state and there were not even any stinge marks over the walls. I looked around the room in confusion but there was nothing, no one to be seen. I put the extinguisher down and grab my dressing gown, flinging it on before walking to the over and with my oven gloves, taking out the freshly cooked pizza.

I looked on the underpan of the pizza but nothing, there was no burns or anything on it but i could have sworn that I saw the whole stove on fire just moments before. 

Thirdly and finally, i had gotten my final notice to pay for my flats rent but i didn't have any money to pay. I had been through all my accounts and financial details but i had nothing. No money. I was getting paid at the end of the month and i knew that i had to pay up rather than give the money away again. I had done that so many times that i had forgotten to even think of myself and the fact that i still needed a house to live in. 

Just when I was about to be kicked out of my own home, i got a call from from the police to question me on the houseowner and they had told me that he had been murdered! His heart had been brutally cut out from his chest and flung against the walls! I'm not saying that someone had murdered the houseowner for me but with what had been going on in my life lately, someone was definitely on my side. I didn't have to pay my rent for another month meaning i still had a place to live. 

All these things had started happening the day after i saw those two bright green eyes in this very alleyway and i needed to find out whether these happenings were linked to them eyes somehow. Maybe i was just crazy, that's what the doctor definitely seemed to think so. 

I sigh when i hear or see nothing in the alleyway and i turn to walk out of it casually but then i hear a shout and a grunt, almost as if someone is being mugged down the alleyway. I turn back and start walking to were the scuffle is happened and round the corner to see two large men above another man, holding him down and saying words in Latin. It almost sounded as if they were doing an exorsism of some sort before they mugged the poor man. 

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