Chapter Seventeen - He ain't Human

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I want you guys to check out the story called "After all we've been through" by @Hotanimeguys !

Cas (POV)

My whole world came tumbling down at that point. My heart started beating fast and my face fell pasty white. Dean looked even worse, he had his head in his hands and I had never seen him look this distraught.

"As in-" I begin and dean nods his head.

"As in the devil, cas. This is bad, this is very bad! The next time Michael comes to visit tou, you need to ask him about lucifer, you need to ask him how he got out of the cage!" The way dean spoke scared me, it was so full of fear and desperation. I just couldn't refuse his demand so I nodded my head slowly before looking down at the ground.

Dean finally huffed a sigh after a long moment of silence and sat beside me on a church pew. I look to my side at him and let out a tired smile which he returns grimly.

"I really wanted to keep this rough demon act up for longer you know." He says and I look at him in confusion. "But I underestimated you, angel face. I kinda just wanted to scare you away but you never left. How come you stuck by me when I hurt you so badly?"

He questions shocked me to say the least. My mouth opens in surprise and my eyebrows rise up slightly. He looked so broken, it was horrible to see him so humbled.

"I don't know." I whisper back without even thinking. I couldn't actually stop my mouth from talking. "I suppose it's some sadistic thing like Stockholm syndrome or something."

"Stockholm syndrome?" Dean asks and I smile and nod my head slowly.

"It's where a person falls in love with their kidnapper or abuser."

"That's messed up." Dean snorted and shook his head. "You need to go to a therapist or something."

"I had a therapist remember" I laugh lightly. "He turned out to be a demon and you slaughtered him."

"Oh yeah." Dean smacks his lips together and shrugs. "Well you can't trust everyone. In the old days when I was human I was have done an exorcism on the poor bastard."

"Why didn't you do it this time?" I ask curiously, subconsciously edging closer to him.

"A number of reasons. First, I'm a demon now and the demon wants blood, so does the mark." He touches the burn mark on his forearm with his fingertips. "Secondly, if I performed an exorcism I would exorcise myself as well."

I bite my lip as he laughs and shrugs before smiling slightly myself and resting my head on his shoulder. Any other day and he would have shaken it off and told me to take off my clothes instead but he just say there, going serious and staring off into space.

"What am I?" I ask. It was one of those weird ass questions that you only see in alien movies or something but it fit in quite well here.

"Dunno father, my best guess is a nephilim." My head shoots up and I look at him curiously.

"Like an angel and human hybrid?" I ask and dean shrugs his shoulder and straightens his back.

"Maybe, I dunno. The power that came off you was the real deal though so maybe something more powerful then just your average human." I bit my lip and nod my head slowly. The doors to the church suddenly opened and mine and deans heads snapped around to see Sam walking up towards us.

Forgive me Father, for I have sinned || Destiel - Demon!Dean & Priest!CastielWhere stories live. Discover now