Black Heron, Fethry Duck & Bigtime Beagle (Spin the Wheel)

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Anonymous asked:

Yes! Could I pretty please have spin for platonic DuckTales, rivalry of three, if it's not too much trouble?

Your platonic DuckTales rivalry is between...

Black Heron

Fethry Duck

(And) Bigtime Beagle

The Facts:

Most Dangerous?

Black Heron.

Least Dangerous?

Fethry Duck.

Most Likely to Kidnap You?

Bigtime Beagle.

Biggest Stalker?

Fethry Duck.

Most Possessive?

Black Heron.

How It Happened:

A F.O.W.L. assault on McDuck Manor went awry when the Beagle Boys launched an unexpected flank attack. Bigtime Beagle witnessed your prowess as the apprentice to Black Heron and found himself awestruck, wishing to possess the same level of skill you did. This admiration evolved into a desire to prove himself in the eyes of someone he deemed superior, but Heron intercepted him every time he attempted to confront you.

With the arrival of numerous McDuck allies, F.O.W.L. was forced to retreat. Many agents were pursued; Black Heron fetched you before anyone else and flew over the ocean to evade detection. A storm threatened to crash the airplane, compelling Heron to make an emergency landing at a lighthouse.

The caretaker, Fethry Duck, offered food and shelter until the downpour subsided. His prolonged lack of interaction was evident in how he had no awareness of personal space or privacy. Black Heron disliked his habits of following you around the laboratory and acting as if you were planning to stay for longer than a few days, so she swiped a multitude of chemicals from Fethry's collection and sabotaged the lab.

While he scrambled to repair the leaks, Heron tugged you back to the airplane and zipped to F.O.W.L. headquarters.

Could They Ever Work It Out?

Fethry has no qualms about sharing his friend with like-minded people, but the other two are the opposite of amicable. Bigtime clings to a false sense of superiority and considers negotiating to be a travesty. Heron is an unrepentant child of chaos who views others as playthings, prone to manipulating Fethry into trusting her before backstabbing him.

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