Count Duckula (Platonic & Romantic Headcanons) (1982)

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TW: Emotional Manipulation, Mentions of Violence, Toxic Mindsets.

A.N. - I want to do a team-up between all three Duckulas even though it would defy the laws of the universe.


Likes to talk, especially about how the show business is droll without him and no star in history has a shred of his talent. He would be a blessing to any agent, and his friend gets a taste of what Duckula offers the world. Because others treat him with indifference, he lives out his dream of global prominence vicariously through their attention.

No one is seen as possessing his level of ability, but his friend is still regarded as superior to the masses. The average person is nothing more than a witness to his excellence, unfit to join him on the stage and unworthy of the spotlight. In exchange for a sliver of the limelight, his friend is expected to follow him blindly and never question his more malignant tactics of securing an audience.


Duckula overwhelms his partner with unprovoked displays of his passion for the theatre, conjuring instruments of drama and endangering others for the sake of the performance. His confidence in his mastery of the arts is so steadfast that even a tepid response is interpreted as encouragement to try again. Celebrating his skills only tempts him to strengthen the act, and he refuses to give them peace until their singular praise fulfills his craving for worldwide adoration.

Despite having an amiable demeanour at first, Duckula is prone to rage when under the impression that he has been disrespected. A slight against his acting skills or musical proficiency earns a barrage of his powers, and he will make cruel jokes about inflicting violence on critics. While his partner is not the target of most magical attacks, he preserves the threat of otherwise through tales of past victims and the array of curses at his disposal.

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