Movie! Lloyd Garmadon (Platonic & Romantic Headcanons)

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WARNING: stalking, mentions of violence, social rejection, mentions of bullying, toxic mindset.

A.N. - Let me know if you want more Ninjago characters.


Step outside, breathe in the humid air of Ninjago City and get bombarded with dozens of cameras and microphones. Lloyd is overcome by guilt every time the press harasses someone who is involved with him, but the person who he thinks the most of has a one-way ticket to unwanted publicity.

The media circus begins when Lloyd approaches his friend in public. One snap of a picture later, and almost everyone at the high school is telling Lloyd that his friend wants nothing to do with him. Lloyd sometimes wonders if this is true, so he reaches out quite often in the hope of proving that he is worth keeping around.

Koko is worried about the frequent phone calls that last anywhere from seconds to hours and the constant questions about whether it is okay to have his friend come over to her flat.

She warns Lloyd that he is getting too invested in someone he only met a few weeks ago, to which Lloyd swears that he has found the one who understands him and does not judge him for his lineage.

Lloyd is not the type that goes looking for a fight, but his temper does flare towards whoever upsets his friend. He comes home while dragging his feet and lies to Koko about the cause of his moodiness.

When he thinks back to the many jokes hurled like stones at his friend by the student body and media, Lloyd assigns the blame to himself. The jokes often revolve around living life as a Garmadon supporter whom everyone should shun.

Even though he does not enjoy the isolation it creates, Lloyd takes the opportunity to introduce his friend to the other Ninjas and thereby provide more reasons to stay in contact with him.

Koko is called by whoever may live with Lloyd's friend, people who bellyache about Lloyd knocking on their door several days in a row with the intent to visit. Koko once again quizzes Lloyd about the nature of the relationship, but at the same time, Koko will reprimand anybody who phones her with a complaint against Lloyd.

Once upon a fight, Lord Garmadon notices that the Green Ninja is muttering something about a classmate laughing at his friend while he clobbers General Number One.

Garmadon may let slip a rare comment about how he finds Lloyd's aggressiveness a bit unusual, but overall, he becomes a terrible source of advice. His idea of fatherly affection is to have Lloyd use his volcano should Lloyd ever feel the need to shoot someone out of it.

If an argument takes a wrecking ball to the relationship, Lloyd dons his Green Ninja attire and attempts to live vicariously through whatever bond his secret identity can form.

Eventually, he gets tired of only talking to his friend when the city is under attack and decides to deliver an impassioned speech about how true friends forgive each other and stick together. It is his desperate attempt at rekindling a connection he has become dependent on, so if it fails, Lloyd appears as his regular self and begs forgiveness.


He will deny it, but Lloyd has asked Zane to calculate his chances of securing a relationship with his prospective partner. If the probability is low, Lloyd despairs and, at least for a while, resigns himself to short greetings and brief farewells.

As time goes by, Lloyd's patience wears thin. He starts asking questions, such as whether his chances might improve if there are fewer people around to listen.

In the early interactions, Lloyd is insecure about himself and relies on Kai to be his wingman and Zane to inform him which compliments and gifts have the highest success rates.

He stumbles his way through most conversations and expects to be humiliated. When he is not, Lloyd gets attached and hurries to make these interactions a routine part of his day.

As he grows more comfortable with the relationship, Lloyd acquires a protective attitude. The Green Ninja in him urges him to correct others when they speak badly of his partner.

This frustration doubles if those responsible have bullied him before, although the worst his civilian self will do is brood and complain about it to his fellow Ninja.

The rest of the Secret Ninja Force is supportive until one of the Ninjas catches Lloyd following his partner home in his Green Ninja gear. Lloyd explains that he is making sure the trip is safe, and challenging him leads him to defend himself by claiming that his partner is too kind to mind his questionable actions.

If this is untrue, Lloyd becomes much more cautious in his approach but does not give up. He resorts to finding his partner when alone and conversing via awkward small talk, which snowballs into him admitting that he needs to talk more consistently to be okay.

Lloyd is not one to bear his heart unless tensions are high, so he is prone to telling white lies when the truth spells conflict. He is terrified of making his partner fed up with him and losing what he sees as one of the few good things in his life.

It is a fear he will do almost anything to avoid facing, including coercing those who would leak his secret identity before he is ready to tell his partner.

Lloyd is not quick to stand up for himself, so if his partner ever did it for him, he would hope that the action has a special meaning behind it. The knowledge that it is politeness and nothing else would crush him.

As the Green Ninja, Lloyd sometimes goes off on his own and refuses to admit that he spent this time watching over his partner's home. He views it as an act of service and is not inclined to think otherwise unless he is spotted, at which point Lloyd will be too embarrassed to return for a while.

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