Sam-I-Am (Platonic & Romantic Headcanons) (Green Eggs and Ham Netflix)

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TW: Abandonment Issues, Clingy Behaviour, Emotional Manipulation, Toxic Mindsets.

A.N. - Watching season 2! All the new characters are open to requests.


For Sam, it is less about how the relationship truly is and more about how he wants it to be. He is never without his rose-tinted glasses when he looks at his friend and talks about them to others who most likely did not ask, seeing only their ideal version and performing mental gymnastics to find the bright side of any flaws. Sam fears the concept of having a serious argument and giving them a reason to not want him around, so he falters at the earliest signs of a disagreement and makes his preferences take a backseat to his desire for intimacy.

Faced with a life where most people have wanted nothing to do with him, Sam has doubts about his self-worth and is quick to change his opinions and repress some of his more energetic mannerisms if he believes it will earn the favour of those who he admires. He likes to mimic his friend in social settings both because he views them as infinitely more impressive than himself and because he thinks it will reduce the chance of conflict. Sam pretends that any harsh language in the relationship is nothing but banter, and he deflects it with playful remarks that sidestep the actual issue.

Sam ties together a series of elaborate stories about how the friendship is deeper and longer-lasting than it is in reality, which he distorts and defends to avoid considering that the affection may be one-sided or at least unequal. The basis for these tall tales is often as simple as a mildly kind gesture or any moment when he shared something with his friend, whether it was a laugh, a seat on the bus, or a plate of green eggs and ham. If Sam has to be away from them for whatever reason, he spends more time thinking about what their next meeting could involve than he does living his own life.


The people who find themselves in the company of Sam, be they friend, foe, or stranger, are subjected to constant speeches about the alleged greatness of his partner and just how mutual the connection is. He gushes about the adventures that he claims to have planned with them, and his genuine enthusiasm makes the delusions seem all the more real until the moment Sam returns to his partner with a packed suitcase and is met with confusion. To avoid admitting that he misunderstood a previous conversation in his eagerness to go on a vacation with them, he acts as if the trip has merely been postponed.

Sam devotes so much of his energy to building up the idea of the relationship that he tends to mistake his fantasies for the truth. He sets no boundaries because Sam expects the mere presence of his partner to fill his lifelong craving for companionship, and he is so desperate for this dream to come true that he makes it true by interpreting even the most basic politeness as proof. While a string of no's will begin with him searching for loopholes in anything that his partner says or does to confirm that they secretly care, frequent refusals to spend time with him leads to Sam losing much of his pep.

Sam has trouble respecting the boundaries of his partner because he sees any limitations as a sign that he has not tried hard enough to prove his trustworthiness. He bears every aspect of his life to them without shame or delay, hoping that they will find something about him to be likable. If they reject him, Sam continues to appear multiple times a day and attempts to erode their resolve by asking the same questions about going to lunch with him and buying random gifts from street vendors until one elicits a positive reaction.

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