Wonders of Parties

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Chapter Song
Jealous by Nick Jonas
Crying game By Nicki minaj

Sarah's P.O.V.

"Soo what do you think we should do.?" i asked jasmine as we were currently in the store to get jasmine and i something to wear to Nash and Cameron's party.

Jasmine seemed distance she snapped her head and looked at me and shrugged. "dunno but anything looks good on you." she said forcing a smile.

I nodded ignoring the fake smile "well you should wear something like this" i said holding up the outfit for her to see.

She nodded her head for the thousandth time today it's been about a week since Justin and jasmine has spoken. And I'm sure they both are gracing differently

''Sarah how's this?" jasmine said standing up and showing off the outfit she was wearing. I looked up and was shocked by what i was staring at she looked so beautiful rocking a skin tight black dress and beautiful diamond covers heels to match the diamonds complement the dress also her hair was beautifully curled Wow i sighed and shook my head in disbelief just five minutes ago she was absolutely confused as to what she wanted to wear but now i can see she absolutely knows.

I nodded ''wow.." i said and jasmine smiled simply at me.

"Im buying this lets go pay and then we can go" she said and i nodded.

Justin's P.O.V.

"So..? You plan on going to Nash party tonight?" Christian says and i look up from my writing.

"I dunno Nash never informed me." i say and Christian raises his eyebrows.

"I think you just haven't checked you're cell for him to get a hold of you." he says simply and i nodded

"I .. I.. I'll come and let nash know its not personal." i say and Christian nodded

"Trust me hes not taking anything personal" Christian says and i nodded.

Christian gave me a look "you okay man?." He asked and i nodded

"Yea.. Ill be alright" i say in deep thoughts.

Later that night at the party

Jasmines POV

I walked into the building with Sarah on my arm and she smiled at me Assuring me everythings okay and i nodded.

"Hey girls!!" I hear a Guys voice rink into my eyes we both turned to see jack and jack.

Jack smiled at me " hey jasmine." he said pulling me into a hug.

I smiled back with my best significant smile "hello jack how are you?" i asked kindly and simply.

"Im good glad you asked what about you?" he answered as i look over to see sarah talking to the other jack.

"Peachyy" i say and jack nodds and smiles as he offers me his arm to put mine inside he walks me over toward a table

"Well I know what would help get over something old. Something new?'' he said as we stood infront of a tall Guy with tattoos and a beautiful face and eyes to match he smiled down at me

"Jasmine meet Austin Austin meet jasmine." jack says and he lets me go

"Sup cutie" he winked at me and i blushed and he smiled

"H..Hii" i managed to get out.

"Ayee Jack!'' i heard that voice and i knew who it was right away turning around i see justin we made eyecontact and justins eyes twinkled but once he saw austin his eyes darkened he made his way over hear.

(Play the song Jealous on this part)

Justin was walking this way and i noticed Christian and Nash following behind him as he walked over that's when i noticed he was drunk.

"Babee." justin slurs grabbing me and hugging me tightly. 

Austin give me a confused look and i gave a look to say 'ill explain later' and he smiles at me and nodds

"Broo.. Stop smiling at my bitch" Justin says to Austin pushing me out from infront of him so he can talk to Austin head on and i fell ontop of nash as he tried breaking my fall.

Austin raised an eyebrow "don't call her a bitch! Or else.." he says

Justin laughed " Or elsee..." he said testing Austin.

"Try me" Austin said as he walked in my direction.

He looked at me giving me his hand to help me up because Nash was too drunk to help i took Austin's hand and he helps me up and he pulls me gentlely to follow him.

I felt arms grabbing me from behind i turned and saw justin "Why?." he says with teary eyes

I turned to Austin and whispered "ill meet you at the table let me handle this ok?" i said and he smiled and nodded even though i just met Austin i can already tell hes a keeper and ill be able to trust him.

(Play Crying Game On this part)  A/N that song explains Justin's feelings on this part of the story.

I let Justin pull me as austin walked away Justin pulled me to a door and then we both walked in.

Justin closed the door and then he turned to face me

"Jas.." he says and i can hear the crack his voice held.

"What!" i spat at him and he looked at me

"Say something.." he says.

"You really wanna hear something, well know this justin.. You're an Asshole whatever happened to leaving me alone! Huh you're such an Asshole. I swear i hate you justin i do what Did you expect me to be happy to see you after you walked out of my life onces again.. Well Noo your such an ass Hole and i hate you So Much i really Doo!!" i yelled as the tears in my eyes began to Pour

Justin's eyes slowly loss all the color as took in the words i was saying to him.

"I thought you wanted me to leave.." he said softly " i..i.. Only.. Do.. W..hat you say. I ... Im.. Sorry"Justin cried now he was broken and i could see it just by him looking at me. "I need you. Jas.. I FUCKING need you but.. You don't see.." justin says he was sobbing as if someone killed his mom or something it broke my heart to see this but i had to be strong this man needed to see.. I was done playing games.

"Noo justin.. You don't need me" i say "you didn't need me when .. I told i love you and you just cut me loss.. You didn't need me when you cheated on me with Chloe you didn't need me when you made me countless Promises... Justin you broke my fucking heart.. You said you regret everything. You regret it hurts too much.. What about me and what about blue.. You Just killed our child you killed it.. her!! You don't need me Justin you didn't need me when you wear beating my ass for noo.. Reason abuse and  hate is too different things.. Justin."

"Jasmine.. Your everything i need please.. L.. L...Let me show me show you."

I let a tear slide "have a nice evening Justin'' i say and walked out.

A/n Sorry I took so long to update this but im just here to say that updates will be back to normal now

Austin is Played by Ronnie banks but i like the name Austin. Idk why but yeah picture of Austin on.the slide

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